50 Examples of Defined and undefined articles

The items are grammatical forms that precede the noun and provide information about it. For example: l cat, one lady, the clouds, some boys.

Articles can be definite (also called determinate) or indefinite (also called indeterminate).

  • See also:  Definite and indeterminate articles

Defined articles

Definite articles are used when the noun is known or a particular noun is referred to. They are:

EL : masculine, singular. LOS : masculine, plural.
LA : feminine, singular. LAS : feminine, plural.

There are also lo , considered a neutral article, and the contractions of (de + el) and al (a + el).

Undefined articles

Indefinite articles are used when you do not know the noun and it is the first time you refer to it. They are:

: masculine, singular. UNOS : masculine, plural.
: feminine, singular. UNAS : feminine, plural.

What are the articles for?

Some of the functions of the articles are:

  • Highlight the substantive function. For example, if the words despair (verb in infinitive) or des waited (verb in participle) have an article in front, their substantive function is enhanced. For example: The despair alone you play against. / The despair of my dog and went to look for food. 
  • Anticipate the gender and number of the noun they accompany . For example: The horses ran. (“Los” lets you know that the noun below will be masculine and plural)
  • Notice the function of the noun in a sentence . For example: I had the good fortune to know Paris . (“The” acts as a direct object)

Sentences with definite and indefinite articles

  1. I have a friend to introduce you.
  2. A butterfly landed on that flower.
  3. I was lucky enough to meet Mick Jagger when I visited London.
  4. The door is not properly closed.
  5. Tomorrow we could go watch the sunrise on the beach.
  6. The children were wonderful.
  7. A mosquito didn’t let me sleep last night.
  8. I read the complete works of Jorge Luis Borges.
  9. All my teeth have already fallen out .
  10. Some insects invaded my garden.
  11. Some girls invited me to play volleyball.
  12. The koala is my favorite animal.
  13. You know the girlfriend of my son was all one event.
  14. A once I traveled in first class.
  15. The kindness is a trait that characterizes my daughter.
  16. A friend is coming to dinner.
  17. You do not give one idea of what it cost me to make this model.
  18. I planted a jasmine in my garden.
  19. You should shine your shoes before going to the party.
  20. The band your brother is sensational.
  21. I like the chronicles more than the novels of Gabriel García Márquez.
  22. The girls are having a sleepover this weekend.
  23. Would you like me to make some popcorn?
  24. Friends is the best series I have ever seen.
  25. The Moon is a satellite while the Earth is a planet.
  26. I bought some cherries at the grocery store.
  27. Tonight we could cook you some homemade pizzas on the grill.
  28. When was the last time you saw the grandparents?
  29. The bees give me terror.
  30. Do you want some grapes?
  31. I would love to go to the play with you.
  32. A girl has just taken the last copy of The Trees Die Standing .
  33. Still I do not know the sisters of my boyfriend.
  34. The lake is frozen.
  35. What was the last movie you saw?
  36. I haven’t been to a recital for a long time .
  37. I will plant a vine in the bottom of my garden.
  38. The clock struck the midnight rang the phone.
  39. I just heard one song from The Beatles did not know.
  40. We could go grab one then ice the French class.
  41. I need a new computer, the one I have no longer works.
  42. My favorite flowers are the magnolias.
  43. This weekend I will be locked up because on Monday I have a very difficult exam.
  44. The team spent all the weekend training in the suburbs.
  45. My grandfather gave me a record player so that we could listen to the records that he kept in the basement of his house.
  46. The solitude sometimes is the best company.
  47. I do not like the opera.
  48. I made some cookies for this afternoon.
  49. We did not expect the things complicate both.
  50. I have never seen such a lovely girl.


by Abdullah Sam
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