50 Examples of Adjectives with H

The adjectives are words that are used to modify the noun and, therefore, agree with it in gender and number . For example: h orroroso, h astiada, h flattering .

Most adjectives ending in A are feminine ( nation h egemónica exit h abitual ) and ending in O are male ( village h ebreo man h eRide ). There are also adjectives used to describe the same way a male or female noun ( child h Abil day h ABIL ). Furthermore, they all vary in number, that is, they can be singular or plural ( h iriente / h irientes ).

The letter H is the only one in the Spanish alphabet that does not have a sound, that is, its pronunciation is not phonetic, unless it is preceded by the letter C, in which case it forms the digraph CH. That is why it is called a “silent letter.”

  • See also:  feminine and masculine adjectives

Adjectives that start with the letter H

h abilido h ermosa h omosexual
h abitual h eterodox h ondo
h ablante heterogeneous h h onesto
h aitiana h Hetero h onorable
h flattering hexagonal h h I onrado
h ambrienta h Ibrido horizontal h
h Aragán h IDRAULICO h ospitalario
h arta h indú h ostigador
i ‘ve been h ipnotic h ostile
h I Elado h ipocondríaca h uérfana
helenic h h ipocrita h uesudo
h epático h irient h uman
h erbivoro h ispano h Umeda
h eredero h istorical h umilde
h ereje h Olistico h umillante
h ermaphrodite h omogeneo h Ungaro
h ermetic h omólogo h Urano
  • See also:  Words with H

Sentences with adjectives with H

  1. My father was always a man skilled in sports.
  2. The boss’s tone was too hostile .
  3. Fatima was freezing when he saw her birthday.
  4. You don’t have to be hurtful .
  5. Pedro broke his leg and must keep it horizontal .
  6. I hate hypocritical people .
  7. He is the best footballer in the world and yet he is humble .
  8. Daniela was fed up with the mistreatment, so she left.
  9. Liver disease is generally serious.
  10. The rabbit is a herbivorous animal .
  11. Cooked vegetables should be kept in airtight containers .
  12. Mario had only one daughter, which is why she is the only heir .
  13. hexagonal figure is one that has six sides.
  14. Clara’s eyes were hypnotic .
  15. It is very important that those who access public office are honest people .
  16. Cats are particularly lazy animals .
  17. Hunger in the world is a historical problem that must be solved as soon as possible.
  18. Esteban tried to be honest with Lucrecia, but she didn’t take it well.
  19. I think I have been very hospitable to my guests.
  20. The house that Pablo bought is truly beautiful .
by Abdullah Sam
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