50 Examples of Adjectives ending in -oso and -osa

The adjectives ending in -oso and -ose are always written with the letter S . All adjectives with this ending (both singular and plural) derive from a noun . For example: goal Bear (candy), cel osa (jealousy).

The use of these adjectives as attributes of the verb “to be” is also frequent . For example: This test is tedi bear . / This area is quite calur osa .

When it comes to changing conditions, other adjectives of this ending cannot be used as attributes of the verb “to be”, but are used with the verb “to be”. For example: My father is Furi bear . 

Finally, there are certain adjectives ending in -oso and -osa that allow them to accompany both the verb “ser” and the verb “estar”. For example: The neighbor is quite Curi bear . / I’m curi bear to know the result. “

  • See also: Words ending in -oso and -osa

Examples of adjectives ending in -oso, -osa

friendly bear fabulous bear dangerous bear
love bear furi bear pen bear
ansi bear goal bear perez bear
harmoni bear thank you bear picaj bear
amaze bear grav bear bear power
benefit bear horror bear by bear
hot bear imperi bear modesty bear
copi bear incest bear religion bear
cost bear jug bear grudge bear
bear city labori bear respect bear
curi bear li bear revolt bear
dadiv bear lustr bear rigor bear
delici bear marvelous bear rug bear
DISASTER bear lying bear sabr bear
difficult bear mister bear I suspected bear
bear pain monster bear tedi bear
dud bear morb bear fear bear
impaled bear nervi bear trend bear
scandal bear noved bear vali bear
ESPACI bear numer bear poison bear
scary bear pride bear bear advantage
bear style sticky bear shame bear


by Abdullah Sam
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