You have WhatsApp. I have WhatsApp. Everyone has WhatsApp. Even if the main means of communication for you is another messenger, you still keep it on your smartphone. As a Sberbank application – just in case. Well, because your interlocutor may not have a Telegram, and on Vatsap you will almost certainly contact him. But after all, it can be used not only for its intended purpose. I tell you what else, besides correspondence, WhatsApp can come in handy.
How to create a chat with yourself in WhatsApp
Chatting with yourself is a very useful thing. It will allow you to transfer some data to yourself from computer to smartphone and back in a matter of seconds and with minimal volume restrictions. And since the desktop version of WhatsApp began to work separately from the phone, this feature has gained even more meaning and benefit.
FMWhatsApp – what is this application and is it worth using it
There are two ways to chat with yourself on WhatsApp. The first is to simply add your second number to your contacts (do you have a second SIM card?). And the second is to create a group with someone from your acquaintances, and then remove him from there and use it as your own space for exchanging data with yourself.
Here’s how to do it:
- Open WhatsApp on your Android smartphone;
- Click on the three dots in the upper right corner;
Self-chat can come in handy for different occasions
- Select “New group”, and then the interlocutor;
- Title the group and exclude the “technical” member.
How to send voicemail to WhatsApp to yourself
The second way to misuse WhatsApp is to use the voice recorder function. Let’s say you need to write something down urgently. When there is a lot of information, the easiest way is to do it with your voice. This is where voice messages come in handy.You can send a voice message to yourself in the chat
Open a chat with yourself, click on the microphone button and start recording. Voice messages that you send to yourself will be stored in your chat indefinitely. Then, if necessary, you can decrypt them or forward them to someone else.
How to send a location by Watsap
WhatsApp has the ability to mark your location. In general, this chip is needed to share it with one of your interlocutors, but you can use it to mark some important places for yourself where you have been. For example, a parking space in the parking lot at Ikea.
WhatsApp officially introduced the transfer of chats between iOS and Android
- Launch WhatsApp and open a chat with yourself;
- Click on the paperclip icon and select “Location”;
WhatsApp lets you remember a place
- Wait for the smartphone to determine where you are;
- Click Submit Your Location.
Checking WhatsApp Online Status
If there is only one tick, most likely the subscriber’s phone is turned off.
You probably know that WhatsApp has a very curious message read notification system. One tick in WhatsApp means that the message was sent but not delivered, two gray ticks – that the message was delivered but not read, and two blue – that the message was delivered and read.
Ads will appear on WhatsApp . Directly in the chats!
So there is a very good way to understand whether a person has received your message and simply does not want to read it, so as not to “shine” in front of you, or his phone is turned off and he has not seen the message. To do this, open the chat and see how many checkmarks are shown under your message. If there is only one, the message to the interlocutor did not even arrive.
How to find out who called
Sometimes you come across informative photos, and sometimes not very
Since WhatsApp requires mandatory registration by phone number, you can try to punch an unknown subscriber through the messenger. For example, if someone persistently calls you from an unknown number, and you do not pick up the phone, because you do not know who exactly is trying to contact you.
Just save the phone number to your contacts, and then open WhatsApp and click “Create a new chat”. The subscriber who tried to contact you will not know about this, but you will get access to his profile information, including his photo, status and, possibly, some other data.