Use the power of summer and help the harmony of your body, of course! Sunshine, fresh fruits, peace: everything is given to allow you to concentrate on the natural restoration of your hormonal balance. We have compiled 5 tips specifically for the purpose of using the advantages of the summer period to regulate your cycle, to support your ovulation and female balance!
1. Breathe!
Breathing is so fundamental that you don’t realize how much correct breathing affects everything in your body. Proper metabolism, balanced blood pressure and heart rate, and our emotional mood also largely depend on breathing. Take a few minutes every day to take a few deep breaths in a position that is comfortable for you (lying on your back, sitting in the Turkish position). Your inhalation should be faster and deeper, your exhalation slow and long. If you feel tense, it is highly recommended to take a few breath breaks!
Extra summer tip: do the exercise at sunset / sunrise, when the weather is a little milder, somewhere outdoors, inhale the scent of summer!
2. Fill yourself up with vitamin D!
Low levels of vitamin D in both the female and male bodies can cause disorders that directly affect fertility. In the case of women, an adequate level of vitamin D has a direct effect on progesterone levels, and through this on the regularity of the menstrual cycle and fertility.
Vitamin D is basically produced in our skin as a result of sunlight. The use of sun protection creams unfortunately hinders this natural process, moreover, these creams usually contain parabens that damage the hormonal system. This does not mean that you should go out into the sun without sun protection, but do it your way and try other methods as well: avoid going out in the sun between 11:00 and 15:00, protect yourself with loose clothing and a hat, and support your body with antioxidants against harmful UV against the effects of radiation.
Extra summer tip: to protect the integrity of your skin and keep your vitamin D level even, use a body lotion containing shea butter and vitamin D.
3. Add to a smoothie!
A flood of fresh fruits and vegetables awaits, take advantage of this period! Smoothies are one of the best ways to quickly replenish your body’s vitamin and energy reserves with lots of and varied fruit. They contain a lot of antioxidants and essential nutrients for a harmonious cycle. Start every summer day with a hearty milkshake and believe me, you will soon feel the change! Try to make it as varied as possible, using different fruits.
If the goal is specifically to harmonize your cycle, add a carrot each time. Carrots contain a special fiber that helps your body absorb excess estrogen. This is important because cycle and fertility disorders can also be caused by the so-called estrogen dominance, when the natural balance of the two most important female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, is upset in favor of estrogen.
Extra summer tip: have at least 1 vegetable smoothie day per week! If you like sweeter flavors, add beetroot or half a banana (this is a very good pairing with e.g. spinach!). You can supplement your treatment with the ProCreation female fertility support capsule, which also contains a special vegetable-fruit-herb mix .
4. Relax!
In the summer, everyone is overtaken by the desire to relax, rest, and do nothing sweet. Don’t resist this! If you can, include days of pure relaxation during your vacation, when you go to bed on time, read a good book, or indulge in your favorite hobbies. It’s even better if you combine it with light exercise: take long walks, do stretching exercises, do yoga.
For many people, even the mildest stress can cause a disturbance in the menstrual cycle , and if it is a long-lasting, serious stress, then it may easily be because of this that a disturbance in your hormonal balance has arisen.
Extra summer tip: You can also support your defense against stress with antioxidants! Grape seeds have a high antioxidant content and have been proven to increase the body’s defense against stress.
5. Use herbs!
In the summer, the metabolism revs up due to the warmer weather and the more abundant liquid and fruit consumption, so it is even better to use the power of herbs at this time. One of the most popular and frequently used medicinal herbs for unpredictable menstrual cycles, painful cramps and mood swings is the friend’s bush .