5 things every husband looks for in a wife

When the matter is serious and a man decides that he will seek a woman to be his mate, he seeks someone who has some essential qualities. After all, the chosen one will be his princess and he will try to take good care of his kingdom.

Read 7 things a man looks for in a woman to marry

Some attributes are fundamental and common to most men when looking for a wife. Here are five of them:

  1. Respect

A man needs the respect of his beloved to be happy and to be able to be well with himself. This item is essential for the relationship of the two to be full and lasting. Along with a woman who respects her spouse, the husband is able to develop his potential and succeed. Respect is not blind obedience or acceptance of manipulation, but devoted and sincere support in the husband’s endeavors and joint joy in success. She takes care and assists so that he can perform his tasks in the best possible way, being an assistant and maintaining positivity even in the face of difficulties. She praises him and in her eyes it is possible to see her admiration for him. Also part of the respect is the type of clothes she wears, which do not seek to draw the attention of other men to her own body.

  1. Appearance

A woman does not have to be a miss to be a perfect wife. With a sincere smile and basic care for her physical appearance she will be able to win the heart of a prince. Slouch is not approved by most men. Hygiene care, proper clothing, makeup that enhances natural beauty, with a charming smile on your face are enough to delight and conquer.

Read 5 ways to make him never forget your smile

  1. Patience

The man knows that he is flawed and that he needs to improve in many aspects of his personal life. Often the woman does not see what he can become. That is why a man seeks a woman who is patient, who understands that there is no perfect person alive today and who accepts that he will change and grow with time. When she assumes the role of responsible for her changes he also runs away because he feels that his freedom is being shorn. When the woman shows patience both with him and with the difficulties of her own life, she becomes a stronger candidate.

  1. Pleasant scent

Men cannot resist a scented woman. They are fascinated and literally in the clouds. They will always look for a woman for a wife who smells pleasant to them. For him, a perfumed woman is a person with daily hygiene care.

  1. Good principles

Education, good character, honesty, fidelity and many others will tell you whether a man will be interested in a woman or not. If she has adequate moral principles, she will set a good example for her children and educate them correctly. She will also be an excellent wife, as she pursues improvement. This will be a powerful incentive in the decision.

It’s not just a pretty face that wins a man’s heart like many women think. They evaluate much more than just physical appearance. They know that choosing the right wife will greatly affect their life and that of their family. And this is a decision that he makes with caution and a lot of thought.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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