5 things you can do to control high blood pressure without medication

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is one of the most common health issues worldwide.

Science has not found any specific reason for high blood pressure as it may be due to several reasons.

Whatever the reason, hypertension is a serious problem that can lead to serious consequences, including cardiovascular disease.

Science has not been able to find a solution to high blood pressure. Experts suggest leading a healthy life and taking medication every day to keep it under control. But medication calculation has its side effects.

Be careful what you eat

Stay away from salt as it can cause high blood pressure. While you can enjoy cooked salt, it still needs to be in low quantities.

Furthermore, consume foods that help lower blood pressure. These include leafy greens, berries, oatmeal, bananas and dark chocolate.

Stay fit and active

Weight gain is a major cause of hypertension. Even if you seem to be fit, make it a walk every day as it can help control your blood pressure.

Try alternative medicine

Try alternative treatment options such as ozone treatment, writes Alternative Medicine. While there is not yet much scientific evidence on the effectiveness of ozone treatment in high blood pressure, you can try it and other treatment options as they have no side effects but some benefits.

Avoid stress and tension

High blood pressure is usually caused due to stress and tension. You need to make sure you stay away from such triggers to keep your blood pressure under control.

If something is bothering you or stressing you out, try to keep your distance from her or resolve the issue.

Find the one that causes the blood pressure

The most important thing is to know what makes your blood pressure rise. It may be due to high cholesterol levels or due to the use of certain medications.

by Abdullah Sam
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