5 Simple Methods to Be a Better Teacher

What is (or rather, what should be) the main goal of any teacher? To offer students not only content, but also a learning method adapted to their characteristics and needs. Whether it’s repetitions, private lessons or courses, the important thing is to find the right balance between your teaching style and the potential of those in front of you: whatever their age, gender or origin. Here are five simple ways to cope with this challenge and try to be a better teacher.

1. Pre-evaluate students

In order to verify the progress made over time, it is essential to understand at what point the student, or the student, is when starting work together. Paradoxically, the evaluation first is just as important as the evaluation after . In this way, a good teacher can realize greater gaps than those declared or, conversely, underestimated skills and knowledge. Furthermore, you can also start with an in-depth self-assessment of the students: a greater awareness of their own means can be a fundamental motivational weapon to overcome the inevitable difficulties.

2. Create customized lessons

Whether they attend university or high school, one of the major problems faced by students is the frontality of the lessons, organized by the teachers following a rigid program, with little or no flexibility, probably in the same way for years or even decades (say the truth, how many times has this happened to you, especially with teachers close to retirement? A good teacher, on the other hand, should define content and form based on feedback from those who need to learn today. Also by resorting to ad hoc questionnaires and adjustments planned in advance. And leaving room for creativity.

3. Enhance soft skills

Not only what you know is useful, but also how you know it. In study as in work, so-called soft skills – that is, the personal characteristics that influence the way we cope with the demands of the environment – are increasingly decisive. Although difficult to measure and evaluate, a perfect teacher must at least be able to observe them. Remember that time the teacher said to your parents “the boy (or the girl) is smart, but he doesn’t apply”. Well, maybe it was his fault too. Going beyond the didactic relationship, enhancing the person at 360 degrees: this is the point.

4. Make good use of technology

It is not necessary to win the Global Teacher Prize to realize how today everyone, especially the younger generations, tends to make new acquaintances both on social media and in the “real” world. The risk is that of technological isolation, but the opportunity is to implement interpersonal relationships – even those between teacher and student – using these platforms correctly. The live lesson remains the center of everything, but can be enriched through dialogue and the exchange of materials. And then, even being on Facebook to organize a soccer match (or any other sport) can only do well.

5. Keep learning

This is the real secret to being a perfect teacher. The education of those who transmit knowledge has – ça va sans dire – a direct impact on that of those who receive it. Acquiring new skills, deepening another language, learning to play a musical instrument, updating one’s culture on subjects that are less known, are all ways to continually grow and to offer others the best of oneself (and – why not? – to make the CV even more attractive). And there is a perfect way to do it.
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Methods to Be a Better Teacher


Being a teacher is not just about imparting knowledge and information to students; it is about making a positive impact on their lives and shaping their future. As an educator, it is essential to constantly strive to be a better teacher, enhancing your teaching methods and ensuring that your students have the best learning experience possible. In this article, we will discuss some effective methods to become a better teacher, promoting engagement, creativity, and overall academic success.

Be Passionate and Engaging

Passion is contagious, and as a teacher, your enthusiasm for the subject matter should be evident in your teaching. Students are more likely to be engaged and interested in learning if their teacher is passionate about what they are teaching. Use stories, real-life examples, and hands-on activities to make the learning experience more interactive and exciting. This will help in creating a positive and vibrant classroom environment.

Foster Effective Communication

Good communication skills are crucial for any teacher. It is essential to establish open lines of communication with your students, making them feel comfortable to ask questions and seek clarification. Encourage active participation in class discussions and group activities, allowing students to express their thoughts and ideas. By fostering effective communication, you can create an inclusive and collaborative learning environment.

Personalize Learning

Every student is unique, with different learning styles and preferences. To be a better teacher, it is important to understand and accommodate these individual differences. Implement personalized learning strategies to cater to the specific needs of your students. Use a variety of instructional methods such as visual aids, auditory resources, and hands-on activities to make learning more accessible and engaging for all learners.

Embrace Technology

In today’s digital age, technology has become an integral part of education. Embracing technology in your teaching can enhance student engagement and create a more interactive learning experience. Utilize educational apps, online resources, and multimedia presentations to supplement your lessons and provide students with additional opportunities for learning. Stay updated with the latest educational technology trends and find innovative ways to incorporate them into your classroom.

Continuously Learn and Grow

A great teacher never stops learning. Continuously seek professional development opportunities to enhance your teaching skills and stay updated with the latest pedagogical practices. Attend workshops, conferences, and webinars to gain new insights and learn from experts in the field. Engage in self-reflection and evaluation of your teaching methods, always striving to improve and adapt to the changing needs of your students.

Build Relationships with Students

Building strong relationships with your students is crucial for their academic success and overall well-being. Take the time to get to know your students individually, learn about their interests, and establish trust and rapport. Show genuine care and concern for their academic progress and emotional needs. By building positive relationships, you create a supportive and nurturing environment where students feel valued and motivated to succeed.

Emphasize the Importance of Critical Thinking

As a teacher, it is essential to go beyond rote memorization and encourage critical thinking skills in your students. Foster a classroom culture that promotes curiosity, analysis, and problem-solving. Assign projects and assignments that require critical thinking and encourage students to think outside the box. By emphasizing the importance of critical thinking, you empower your students to become independent and analytical learners.

Provide Timely Feedback

Feedback is a powerful tool for growth and improvement. Provide timely and constructive feedback to your students, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement. This will help in reinforcing positive behavior and guiding students towards academic success. Ensure that your feedback is specific, actionable, and tailored to each individual student’s needs.


Being a better teacher requires a commitment to continuous growth and improvement. By being passionate, fostering effective communication, personalizing learning, embracing technology, continuously learning and growing, building relationships with students, emphasizing critical thinking, and providing timely feedback, you can create a positive and impactful learning environment. Remember, the role of a teacher extends far beyond the classroom, and with dedication and the implementation of effective teaching methods, you can truly make a difference in the lives of your students. So keep striving to be a better teacher, and watch your students thrive.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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