5 signs that you are smarter than average

Most of us never know how smart we really are. And forget all those IQ tests that are buzzing everywhere – they say nothing more than that you are good at solving certain thoughts and thinking of a particular pattern. Here are a handful of signs that you may actually be smarter than average, even if you do not pass the usual, classic IQ tests:

1. You are impatient
It is usually not a positive trait to be impatient, but studies have shown people with different letter combinations (and who have been very eager and impatient) have higher IQ than most others. When someone tells you to unwind next time, you can tell that you are impatient because you are smart and want to accomplish things unlike most others who play cool and never get anywhere.

2. You became interested in words and letters at an early age
In a British study, researchers examined 2,000 identical twins. Although the children had identical genes, it turned out that the twin who started reading at the earliest also got higher results in the IQ tests than his sibling. But the reason was not that the child started reading because she was smarter by nature – but it was precisely that the child started reading early that made her smart.

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3. You’re Left-Handed
No, it’s not just Jack the Ripper and some other lunatics who have become famous for being left-handed. Several studies have shown that left-handed people have an ability to think “outside the box”, especially among men.

4. You took music lessons as a child
Here, too, years of research have come to the same conclusion – learning to handle an instrument early has increased both the ability to concentrate, self-control and verbal intelligence.

5. You have humor The
class clown is usually a person that the teachers quickly get tired of and who is considered a careless person. But several studies show that it is just the opposite – there is a strong connection to both verbal intelligence and an abstract problem-solving in people with a lot of humor. Being able to throw out sharp, funny comments indicates a high IQ.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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