Psychologist and sexologist Pavel Rakov talks about what could go wrong and why a woman sometimes gets stuck in the status of an eternal bride.
Doesn’t love enough
Love is not just feelings. This complex but beautiful phenomenon between a man and a woman can be divided into passion (intimate relationships), closeness (intellectual, spiritual, values and goals), responsibility. And if a woman does not hear a proposal of marriage for a long time, then perhaps there is no love in the couple in the general sense of the word, since the man is closed to responsibility in principle.
The Trap of Civil Marriage
Starting to live with a man before marriage is a mistake. Also, you should not spend the night at a man’s place. If you want to become a wife, do not perform the functions of a wife ahead of time. Cooking, cleaning, taking care of health, cozy evenings at home – he will get all this only after he proves that he loves you, that is, takes responsibility.
Too accessible
Many women do not know how to maintain distance and create intrigue. It is difficult for them not to immediately respond to a message, sometimes not to pick up the phone, cancel a date, citing circumstances. Some ladies are ready to come to their man at the first call in the middle of the night, thereby reducing his desire to pursue and achieve.
The deeds of days gone by
There are many cases where it all comes down to a mistake that may have been made early in the relationship. For example, a woman very quickly ended up in a man’s bed, thereby making him doubt whether she can be faithful and how picky she is.
Last chance
Sometimes a woman over 35, having started a serious relationship, risks never bringing it to marriage, since it is simply difficult for a man to believe in her sincere love. When the hormones calm down, he thinks about the fact that he turned up as a poor option for his girlfriend.