5 Phrases That Will Bring Good Luck Into Your Life

“Luck is for the brave” – ​​says the Latin winged expression. But courage alone is not enough – a constructive and positive attitude is important. The following 5 expressions will help direct your thoughts in the right direction.

All goes to good

The ability to perceive failures as valuable life experience will change the very understanding of happiness. Thus, there will be only two reasons for joy: either a resounding success or a lesson from fate, which, again, will lead you to success in the long term. Whatever you say, you are lucky! You should not deny the tragedies in your life, live through the grief in the moment, but never forget about the prospects.

Thank you

It is not at all necessary to believe that a higher intelligence or the universe itself hears you – the power of gratitude can be seen in the most elementary examples. Agree, you are more willing to volunteer to help those people who were able to thank you last time, and not those who took your efforts for granted. The ability to sincerely thank will open up new opportunities for you.

I’m happy

It is no secret that happiness is in the little things. Do you have a positive attitude and a sparkle in your eyes because of a cup of delicious coffee? This means that you will be “knee-deep” in all areas of life. Do you endlessly complain about bad weather and criticize everything that appears in your field of vision? With such an attitude, you should not count on luck – you will find a reason to be upset even because of a happy accident and will not be able to grasp its essence.

I am open to new things

Changes and the uncertainty that lies behind them can be seriously scary. But it is important to realize that refusing to move does not cancel the movement in time. And force majeure can await us even in the “safest” comfort zone. Readiness for the new will help you “turn on” the waiting mode and not miss a single chance to make your life better.

I deserve love

Often people unconsciously refuse opportunities and benefits that come into their lives simply because deep down they believe they are not worthy of love or, even worse, do not love themselves. In such a case, any assistance from people close and not so close to you for your success is perceived as an unwanted favor – a burdensome debt that must be repaid, no matter what the cost. Love does not require repayment – learn to give and receive it free of charge – without writing down in a notebook who owes whom and how much.