Changes in temperature and air are erratic as it is now when a number of health problems arise in a person. One of the problems that is most prone to arise is fever and runny nose.
This health problem is not a strange thing experienced by a number of people. Even in a year, a person can experience this health problem several times.
This disease appears due to a virus so that it can be overcome by the body itself without using medication. It is important for you to control and recognize the symptoms that appear.
Runny nose, sore throat, cough, congestion, and headaches are symptoms of fever. While this can be very annoying, there is no danger that comes from this.
Until these symptoms are completely gone from your body, there are a number of things you can do. A number of these things can help reduce the impact of the symptoms that appear.
To relieve some of these symptoms, you can use natural ingredients and simple methods. Reporting from The Health Site, here are a number of natural and simple ways to relieve fever and colds.
Rest and Drink Plenty
Rest is the best medicine for all the health problems you experience. Resting can help the body fight viruses that enter the body more optimally.
When resting, the stress level in the body can decrease so that it is more efficient in fighting the virus. Activity when sick will only make you weaker and slower healing.
Many drink
Fever, stuffy nose, and decreased immunity can increase the risk of dehydration. To prevent this problem, make sure to drink enough water, juice or soup.
When you are dehydrated, your body will find it difficult to fight viruses that enter. Consume drinks that are comfortable in the stomach and also provide nutrition to the body.
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Frequent Gargling and Steam Inhalation
Gargling often
The first sign of a fever is a sore throat. Gargling with warm salt water can help reduce inflammation and irritation in the throat.
Gargling that you do can also remove excess mucus and a dry feeling in the throat. Mix half a teaspoon of salt in water for its amazing benefits.
Steam Inhale
Warm steam when inhaled properly can relieve the congestion you are experiencing. This is a temporary solution and should be repeated at least twice a day.
To add to the benefits you get, you can add essential oils to the water you breathe. When inhaling the vapor, remember to close your eyes so you don’t experience irritation
Turn on the Humidifier
Fever and runny nose that you experience usually do not know the season. This can happen any time of the year. But the virus can spread more quickly when the air is dry.
Turning on a humidifier can make your breathing easier and more comfortable. Dry air can increase the irritation caused by sore throats, coughs, and congestion.
You can try a number of these ways to treat and prevent more severe problems. It can also speed up your current healing