5 common iOS 15 problems;how to fix them

There is very little time left before the release of iOS 15 . A week or two, and Apple will begin distributing the update to all of its users. Even at the presentation, it was clear that the new version of the OS would not be particularly rich in innovations, but more recently it turned out that some of the declared functions would not be released immediately, but would be added to the operating system gradually. Despite this, for most users, the release of iOS 15 is still a joyous event. But for this joy, for some reason we completely forget about the problems that the update will entail.

iOS 15 Coming Soon And Problems Caused By The Update Will Be Inevitable

Almost every Apple update – unless it’s an emergency patch with bug fixes – brings some glitches and malfunctions to our devices. But if a decrease in autonomy or an unstable Wi-Fi connection can still somehow be endured, then when the iPhone just turns into a brick, you want to climb on the wall.


  • 1Things to know before upgrading to iOS 15
  • 2Problems with updating iPhone. What to do
  • 3How to put iPhone into recovery mode
  • 4How to rollback from iOS 15

Things to know before upgrading to iOS 15

The most common problems that provoke iOS updates:

  • iPhone gets stuck on Apple logo
  • iPhone does not exit the reboot loop
  • iPhone stops turning on
  • iPhone Stuck in Recovery Mode
  • iPhone stops responding to screen touches
  • Failure to install iOS update

Хорошо, что iOS 15 выходит только через неделю, и у вас есть время подготовиться к обновлению. Потому что искать способы устранения ошибок в работе iPhone в экстренном режиме – то ещё удовольствие.

It is logical that most of us, when faced with something like this, are simply lost. Few people think to simply google the symptoms and try to find a solution to the problem that the update installation provoked. At best, the first thing that comes to mind is to contact a service center.

There, of course, they will help you. But, firstly, not free, and, secondly, for this you have to part with the device for at least a week. Although the problem, as a rule, is trivial, which means that you can fix it yourself. You just need to know what exactly needs to be done. I know, and I will tell you.

Problems with updating iPhone. What to do

AnyFix is a utility that will help you solve any iPhone or iPad issue caused by an update. And she solves them herself, without requiring practically any participation on your part. All that is required of you is to connect your smartphone to your computer, select the desired parameter and just wait for AnyFix to do everything by itself.

Obviously, most users have no idea why the iPhone stops working properly after an update. Therefore, AnyFix offers a simple and straightforward operating system repair function. This is a special tool that checks iPhone firmware for more than 130 errors and glitches, and then fixes them. That is, nothing is required of you at all. Just press one button.

  • Downloadthe AnyFix application to your computer;

There are only 5 actions on the AnyFix start screen – everything is very simple

  • Launch it and connect iPhone via cable;
  • In the AnyFix interface, select the System Repair option;

AnyFix offers three options for “repairing” firmware

  • Select iPhone and then Start Now and wait until it finishes.

Download AnyFix

The system repair procedure provides for three degrees of complexity: standard, extended and complete. In standard mode, AnyFix fixes the most common and common problems by saving data to the iPhone. In advanced mode, all data is deleted, and repairs become more serious. A complete repair also involves the deletion of all data, but the repair is carried out at the deepest level. You can read about other methods of self-repairing iPhone here .

However, there are users who understand a little more. It is possible for them to force the iPhone into DFU mode to start the firmware recovery. Despite the fact that it is not at all difficult to do this, some are simply afraid to do it, while others simply cannot. I myself – seemingly a person with experience – sometimes miss, and the iPhone, instead of going into DFU mode (as the recovery mode is called), just starts to reboot.

How to put iPhone into recovery mode

AnyFix allows you to put your iPhone into DFC mode with the push of a button. It is very convenient. See how everything works:

  • Run the AnyFix utility on your computer;

AnyFix allows you to enter and exit iPhone recovery mode in one step

  • Connect iPhone to computer via cable;
  • Press the Enter / Exit Recovery Mode button;

Keep in mind that without a subscription, you won’t be able to get your iPhone out of DFU mode using AnyFix

  • Select an action and confirm with Enter.

Everything. Now your iPhone is in recovery mode, and you can carry out any manipulations with it. The main question asked by users is why do you need DFU mode ? It is needed to carry out restoration work. In this mode, AnyFix or iTunes will be able to download the latest update and return the firmware to its original form, which in most cases is a guarantee that the device will recover.

How to rollback from iOS 15

However, there are even worse situations when the iPhone or some of its functions is disabled by the firmware itself, preventing the smartphone from continuing to work. In this case, reverting to a previous version of iOS will help you . This manipulation can also be performed using AnyFix. Here’s how to do it:

  • Connect iPhone to computer and run AnyFix utility;

AnyFix allows you to switch even to the previous beta version, and not only to the release build of iOS

  • In the utility interface, select the Upgrade / Downgrade iOS option;
  • In the next window, click Downgrade, select the appropriate OS version;

If Apple does not sign any version of iOS other than the one you already have installed, you will not be able to rollback

  • Confirm the downgrade and wait for the restoration to complete.

Important: this way you can restore an old version of iOS if Apple is still signing it. You can find out which versions the company is still signing (read: allows you to restore) on this site . Just select your device and then browse the list of operating system versions available for it. Moreover, for different models of iPhone and iPad, the signed versions of iOS may be different.

При необходимости AnyFix сможет с несколько простых действий сбросить iPhone, если вы забыли пароль, либо исправить ошибку, из-за которой iTunes не распознаёт iPhone.

What is good about AnyFix is ​​its complexity. On the one hand, it is a fully automated system that brings the iPhone back to life. From you, as a user, you will not need any skills at all to work with firmware, DFU mode (especially if you are afraid of it like fire), and recovery techniques. AnyFix will do everything for you: enter the iPhone into DFU mode, restore the firmware, and, if necessary, roll back the iOS version to the previous one.

System repairs, which are carried out at three levels, ensure that you can surely fix the problems that you turned to AnyFix. The utility is familiar with over 130 crashes, and it is capable of fixing all of them in a matter of minutes. Just select the appropriate repair mode and wait for it to complete. All you have to do is download the application to your computer, connect the iPhone via cable and press two or three buttons confirming the selected action.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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