5 best weapons in GTA Online that everyone should own

What are the best weapons in GTA Online? Depending on the situation, these can be either Mk2 weapons or in-car weapons. We show you in the list the 5 best you should buy.

What do we show you here? GTA Online launched in 2013 and is still very popular today. In the last few years a lot of new content came into play such as missions, real estate, cars and also weapons.

In this list, we want to show you the most important weapons for various slots in GTA Online that you should definitely have right now. So you are well equipped for the various robberies and street fights. The selection is based on the author’s own experience with over 700 hours of gameplay and community voices.

What are Mk2 weapons? Mark 2 weapons have been in GTA Online since the 2017
Gunrunning update . Some weapons can be upgraded to the Mk2 variant with the help of a workbench and are therefore somewhat stronger than the basic versions. .

In addition, it can fire special ammunition, such as explosive projectiles. So you need to invest in a property with a weapons workbench or the mobile command center, then buy the upgrade for the weapons, then buy the upgrades.

MG: Combat MG Mk 2

Where to buy? Basic version in Ammu-Nation

So expensive? $ 14,800 – Upgrade to Mk 2 costs $ 119,000

What can the gun do? This machine gun does the most damage in its weapon class. If you upgrade it, you can expand the magazine from 100 to 200 rounds.

The piece is especially useful in missions and robberies. As long as he touches them “hard”. At 200 shots, you rarely waste time reloading and can instead focus more on shooting. The sound is just fun in combination with the high damage. You should definitely try this.

When upgrading, be sure to do something about the high recoil and inaccuracy of the weapon.

Assault rifle: Mk 2 special carbine

Where to buy? Basic version in Ammu-Nation

So expensive? Base version $ 13,000 – upgrade to Mk 2 costs $ 107,500

What can the gun do? The Mk 2 special carbine can score points especially at medium ranges and at ranges a little further from the opponent. In addition, there is a wide range of improvements such as telescopic sights or silencers to adapt the weapon to your wishes.

The arm is easy to control when firing and, as a Mk-2 variant, deals a lot of damage. A welcome souvenir from many robberies.

Sniper: Mk 2 Heavy Sniper Rifle

Where to buy? Basic version in Ammu-Nation

So expensive? Base version costs $ 38,150 – upgrade to Mk 2 costs $ 165,375

What can the gun do? This powerful sniper rifle is a must buy for anyone who has already received the AWP in Counter-Strike. You can shoot targets at great distances with the gun with ease. However, you must first reach level 90 before you can buy the part from Ammu-Nation.

But it is worth the wait. With a headshot you turn off all opposing players.

Shotgun: Assault Shotgun

Where to buy? Ammu Nation

So expensive? $ 10,000

What can the gun do? In many missions, robberies or street fights there are always situations where you are practically in hand-to-hand combat with the opponents. A shotgun is ideal here. The advantage of assault shotguns is their particularly high rate of fire.

Compared to other shotguns, the assault shotgun is a clear winner. This affects damage, handling, and rate of fire. Looking for a weapon for close combat? Here you found it.

Gun: AP gun

Where to buy? Ammu Nation

So expensive? $ 5,000

What can the gun do? In the area of ​​pistols, there is no way around the AP pistol. The great advantage is its automatic mechanism, which leads to a high rate of fire. This makes them particularly valuable in close and medium range combat. In addition, there is a barely noticeable recoil, which ensures good handling of the weapon.

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The best weapon in the car?

What do you recommend? While driving in GTA Online, you can only use one-handed weapons. Therefore, throwing grenades out of the car is not a problem. And some weapons like pistols and Uzis are also suitable for use in automatic vehicles. Two weapons in particular stand out:

  • The AP gun
  • The micro-SMG

The AP pistol scores for the reasons mentioned above. It’s fast and has a 36-round magazine. The Micro-SMG is a classic Uzi. When upgraded, it can only hold 30 rounds per magazine and doesn’t deal particularly high damage. The rate of fire makes the weapon interesting.

Try both weapons with armored Kuruma in your heists and see for yourself which one suits you best. Why do I use Kuruma when there are better armored vehicles.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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