5 best tourism software

The world of the internet has been a revolution for many economic sectors. Among them, tourism, an activity severely affected by the current coronavirus pandemic, is one of those that most depends on user searches online. For this reason, having quality software, capable of dealing with high demand, is an essential requirement to offer a quality service to customers.

Tourism software is known as  those programs and services specialized in the tourism sector. These programs have been conceived to facilitate the reservation of services, optimize data collection and comply with current regulations on data protection.

There are a multitude of tourist software options. Therefore, we have selected some of the best. We started!

1. Ofi.es

The Office company offers numerous software aimed at the tourism industry. Among its offers it is possible to find Ofiviaje, for retail travel agencies, OfiBooking, agency search engines, OfiTour, designed for tour operators, OfiMayor, for wholesalers, or OfiBus, specific software for buses and coaches.

This wide variety of software makes Ofi.es one of the most demanded services in the sector. Among its advantages are the ease of use, the single data philosophy (once the data is entered, it is recorded and it is not necessary to re-enter it) or the ability to adapt to the local service or the cloud, depending on the client’s preferences. .


GIAV software has risen to fame for its highly modern data. Located in the cloud, this software allows access from various devices, creation of files for each service (flight reservations, collections, pending invoices, etc.) or its integrated CRM, which allows you to notify about charges or delays from a client.

Furthermore, one of the advantages of GIAV is its state- of-the-art interface . In practice, this interface allows access to a design that adapts to all devices (mobiles, computers, tablets) in a very visual way.


SIGMMA is a very popular tourism agency software in Latin America. However, it is also present in Europe and, in fact, has grown in recent years.

This software has two main advantages. On the one hand, it is very simple to use , which is why some clients choose to hire it. On the other, it allows obtaining data in real time , something that experts in marketing and tourism strategies highlight.

4. CRM Travel

CRM Travel software has specialized in improving the treatment of clients in the sector. Thus, the great advantage of this service over others is related to its dynamic and connected nature , since it keeps all the departments of a company connected to each other. Thanks to this, this software allows you to fully satisfy the customer in real time.

5. Quonext Tourism

Like CRM Travel, Quonex is committed to a direct connection of all areas of the company (although each with its own software). However, this software is characterized by offering other solutions for tourism agencies, since it offers its services to agencies, theme parks, airlines … Thus, it is a software that, depending on the profile of the contractor, can be adapted and customized to each company.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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