5 best plant protein that can be substituted for meat

If talking about protein Most people think of meat first. By not knowing that plant protein is no less than meat And this is the plant that provides the best high protein When added to your diet

5 best plant protein

Plant protein

  1. Tofu
  • It is one of the most healthy foods with protein. Which can choose to eat instead of meat immediately Because it provides up to 2 times more protein than some meat. No cholesterol is important. 1 cup of tofu provides up to 20 grams of protein.
  1. black beans
  • This little pea still has more influence on you than you think. Because it is good for your kidney health. Only 1 cup of black beans provides up to 15 grams of protein.
  1. Yardlong beans
  • In 1 cup long pods provide 18 grams of protein. It also helps to maintain the health of bones and teeth. Which helps prevent the occurrence of premature osteoporosis
  1. Tempe
  • This food is made from fermented soybeans. It is not only the main ingredient that is friendly to the intestines. But it is also full of protein. Only 20 grams of tempeh provides up to 100 grams of protein.
  1. Soybean
  • Did you know that this type of pea has higher protein than chickpeas? 1 cup of edamame is equal to 19 grams of protein. In addition, it is also a good source of vitamin K, folate and fiber.


by Abdullah Sam
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