40+ best apps for your personal productivity

On the net you can find dozens of applications to manage your To Do List, some paid, some free. In both cases, you will find yourself faced with an almost endless list and obviously it is not easy to choose what best suits your needs. Already in 2006 Giana Trapani, the founder of lifehacker had identified more than 17 million software applications and websites to manage the To Do Lists, and today they will be more than double. Juggling this sea made up of very little useful applications even if they are paid for and free applications that promise great functionality but which in reality are not able to meet the minimum needs is not easy, which is why we have selected the best applications on the web .

Regardless of which method of managing the To Do List you prefer, there will certainly be one that suits your needs.

Before starting to review the available applications it is worth knowing these two key elements:

  1. How to increase personal productivity with the To Do List.
    The To Do List is a very simple and effective tool to increase your personal productivity or that of your work group, but, like all tools, it is necessary to know how it works and what are the basic rules for its good application. If you want to overcome the condition of work overload and commitments that fill your days, the To Do List will allow you to do so.
  2. The best method for you.
    While respecting the general principles, your needs can be very different from those of someone else. For example, you may need to manage simple “shopping lists” or much more complex projects . Your need could be to manage only personal activities or an entire work group , perhaps located in distant places. Therefore, there is no absolute best method, but the best method for you! For this reason, go beyond the To Do List and learn about the 8 methods to manage your activities

By doing a search for the word “todo” on the Apple Store you will receive more than 3,600 results and in Google Play it seems that you can scroll the list of results practically indefinitely! These are the applications that we believe are worth trying or evaluating:

Shopping list

If you are looking for a simple method to manage your activities then the applications that exploit the concept of the ” shopping list ” are certainly the ones that are right for you. In some you will also find other functions, such as the ability to manage a target date or add notes, but your main focus will simply be guided on the list of things you want to do. These applications are among the most common especially on smartphones.

Any.do (Android, iOS, Web, Mac) . If you are looking for an application with greater functionality that works on many different platforms then Any.do is for you. With this application you can organize your activities by date by dividing them into today, tomorrow, next and a high day and you can catalog them as you prefer by attributing categories. With a premium account, you can also add sub-tasks, files and notes, as well as share tasks with other people. Any.do is free. The premium version costs $ 2.99 / month.

Apple Reminders (iOS, Web, Mac) . If you’re using an iPhone, iPad, or Mac, the simple Reminder app already on your device can be the easiest way to keep track of the things you need to do. You can add tasks, sort them into lists, drag them and with iCloud.com you can keep your devices synchronized. With the i buttonthen do many other things like add an execution date or a remainder that is activated when you are in a specific place so that you don’t forget to take that thing. Apple Reminders is free .

Begin (iOS) . It is an application that allows you to manage activities in the short term. The application has in fact three lists: yesterday, today and tomorrow. All added activities must be done on one of these days, so there is no room for long-term planning. Tasks are created by swiping down and you can mark them as completed by swiping to the right. Begin is free

Carrot (iOS) . Carrot could be nicknamed the “To Do List with a personality”, in fact it rewards you with “fortune cookies” and other gifts when you complete an activity. However, if you slack off, Carrot gets upset and rewards you with gifts bordering on the sadistic. In the management of the activities, the application is extremely simple, in fact the management of lists and sub-activities is not foreseen. Once you reach level 18 you unlock the ability to manage execution dates and remainders: you just have to prove yourself productive for a while. Carrot costs $ 2.99

Checkvist (Web) . This application is proposed as a task manager for geeks, in fact tasks can be formatted using Markdown and are created using only the keyboard. With Checkvist you can manage the sub-activities and enter the execution date by typing “AA”. In practice it is possible to do all the operations without ever leaving the keyboard. Checkvist is free, the Pro version is required to manage notifications and attachments for $ 3.3 / month

Cheddar (iOS, Web, Mac) . Cheddar is also ahard, yellow cheese that originates in the English village of the same name in Somerset, and the application draws the same colors you would expect from the cheese. Cheddar allows very simple management of tasks, using the keyboard. By opening the application you can immediately enter an activity. By pressing Enter the activity is confirmed and it is possible to insert a new one. If you want to insert tags, formatting, links or emoticons, you can always do it from the keyboard using the markdown formatting language . Synchronization between devices is practically immediate. Cheddar is free .

Clear (iOS, Mac) . Clear respects its name. This application is completely gestural: swiping up your finger creates an activity, swiping to the right marks the activity as done and scrolling down takes you to the list of lists and scrolling twice takes you to the settings. There are no buttons! The activities are marked with a different color depending on the priority and it is possible to manage an execution date. Clear costs $ 4.99 for iOS and $ 9.99 for Mac

ColorNote’s Notepad Notes (Android) . This application will remind you when you put post-its in the room to remind you of things to do. Perhaps it is one of the simplest applications, but it does its job well, in fact it is possible to insert activities quickly, assign a distinctive color, move them up or down by giving them a priority and quickly mark those performed. You can also add reminders and a password to protect your privacy. ColorNote’s Notepad Notes is free

Two (iOS, Mac) . One of the most important things in running your business is the execution date. Due allows you to manage this information with the same ease with which you create a new business. When you enter a task you can immediately enter a date and time of execution as well as a reminder. The list will then report the activities in order of execution. Due also supports recurring tasks and comes to your aid to manage even simple tasks like boiling an egg thanks to the predefined timers. Two costs $ 4.99 for iOS and $ 9.99 for Mac

Everyday (Android, iOS, Web) . It is a minimalist application that allows you to write a list of tasks as if you were doing it with a pen and paper. It is also possible to manage sub-activities, assign remainders and an execution date. To mark that the activity has been carried out, simply swipe from left to right. Everyday is free, but to manage extra lists and calendar integration, the price is $ 2.99 / month

Finish (iOS) . This application was created primarily for students and for those who continue to procrastinate. The activities are organized in short, medium and long term and it is possible to set limits for each category. When you create a task you are immediately asked to specify the execution date and then you can also specify a time and add notes. You can also ask Finish to take care of you and he will notify you when a task needs to be completed. Finish is free

Google Keep (Android, Web) . It is a simple application that allows you to add post-its with to-do lists, images and documents. You can associate the activities with an execution date and a reminder that is activated when you reach a certain place. Then also share the lists with other Google users in order to manage simple projects in common. Google Keep is free .

Google Tasks (Web) . Another very simple application is also available for Gmail users. To activate it, simply press the G and then T keys in Gmail or click on Tasks calendar in Google Calendar. You can add activities and assign an execution date and again you can move the activities to the order you prefer. The tool is very simple, but you can add your tasks to email too using keyboard shortcuts . GoogleTasks is free

Momentum (Web) . It is not a real application, but an extension for Google Chrome. Every day, when you open the browser, a screen appears with the time and a small to-do list below. There aren’t many other features and perhaps the biggest peculiarity of this extension is trying to keep you focused on things to do. Momentum is free

Paperless (iOS) . The best word to represent this application is essentiality. With Paperless you can create activity lists and nothing else. There are no execution dates, reminders or sub-tasks. It is only possible to customize the icons of the lists to find them more easily and manage notes. For the shopping list, what to pack and what to take to go to the mountains is perfect! The Lite version of Paperless is free, but there is also a paid version for $ 2.99

Pocket Lists (iOS) . This application allows you to quickly manage activities and sub-activities as well as different lists by giving them custom icons. The most interesting feature is certainly OCR – Optical Character Recognition – that is the ability to read the hand-made lists and upload them to the smartphone. Pocket Lists costs $ 4.99 / month

Remember The Milk (iOS, Android, Web, Blackberry) . This is one of the first applications to be born and has a textual approach. You can create multiple lists each one of which will become a selectable tab. You can add execution date, remainders and activations with localization. It can also be integrated with Gmail, Google Calendar and Outlook so you can see your activities even from the workplace. Remember The Milk is free, syncing with Outlook is by subscription for around $ 2 / month

SomTodo (Android, iOS, Web) . SomTodo’s purpose is not to make you forget the simple things you need to do and at the same time allow you to manage your projects. SomTodo shows your unsorted activities in a main list and under folders with other activities. These folders can include anything from simple tasks like the shopping list to tasks with notes, reminders and scheduled execution dates. SomTodo is free, $ 3.60 / month for other features and more storage

Shining (Android) . This application has a very simple interface which allows a good interaction with the user. The peculiarity for which we recommend you to try it is that it is very focused on using the voice to enter activities, it also has several widgets, notifications and features that will not make you regret the lack of a synchronization with the cloud. SlenDo is free

Swipes (Android, iOS, Web) . Swipes’ philosophy is not so much to facilitate the entry and management of tasks, but to integrate with Evernote, check your account for new tasks in your notes and convert them to tasks and projects on your phone. With Swipes you can organize your day on a timeline, postpone and schedule activities and assign reminders. Swipes is free

Taasky (iOS, Mac) . The purpose of this application is to increase the focus on important activities, so that by scrolling to the left the activity is marked with a star and is automatically placed at the top of the list. It is possible to have only one priority activity. It is also possible to order the activities in order of priority by assigning identifying colors. Taasky allows you to manage multiple lists each with their own priority activities. Taasky is available at $ 1.99 for iOS and $ 3.99 for Mac.

TeuxDeux (iOS, Web) . Not everything has to be completed in one day, this is the TeuxDeux philosophy. With this app you can enter activities on any day of the week. It is therefore not necessary to set any execution date as it is already inherent in the daily schedule. If an activity is late, you can drag it over to the following days. It is also possible to insert recursive activities. TeuxDeux costs $ 3 / month

Wunderlist (Android, iOS, Windows, Web, Mac) . The graphics of Wunderlist are very accurate and we think it is one of the most valid products on the market. The operation is very simple, just select a list and start writing the activity. Once the activity has been entered, it is possible to add sub-activities, notes, attachments and comments. A feature that we really appreciate is being able to share activities with other people even in the free version! Wunderlist is free. The Premium version costs $ 4.99 / month, allows you to assign tasks, manage an unlimited number of sub-tasks and more.

1-3-5 To-Do (Android) . The most interesting thing about this simple application is the philosophy of focusing on doing the important things before the others in the day. That’s why it requires us to define a truly important activity, three on average important and five not so important. With this 1-3-5 approaches To-Do aims to make us do at least the activities that generate our “headaches”. 1-3-5 To-do is free

No sooner said than done

This method became popular thanks to the English book Getting Things Done, usually abbreviated as GTD, by David Allen and also available in Italian under the title Detto Fatto ! The GTD consists of a powerful method to manage the shopping list and details of activities, for this reason the available applications that I take inspiration from this method can resemble a shopping list, but it is also possible to manage sub-lists, time and many other properties. The applications that we report are not always of immediate use, but if you take the time to learn how to work, you can enjoy very high productivity tools.

Doit (Android, iOS, Windows, Web, Mac) . This application has the standard features of any GTS App, so you can add activities, assign tags and organize everything in projects. The peculiarity of Doit, for which we advise you to try the application, is to be able to define goals by inserting them in a separate tab. The activities listed in the goals tab can also belong to different projects so you can mix business and personal goals! This way you can stay focused on your life goals and check your progress through the productivity charts and analyzes provided by the application. Doit is free, $ 2 the Pro version

DropTask (Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android) . This application certainly amazes for its graphics and approach. It is possible to create a new project and insert the activities within it in an original visual format, in fact this application generates a circle within which other circles that represent the sub-activities nest. Each activity can be assigned to someone and it is also possible to define the priority and urgency. There are different views for activities and different productivity reports. Definitely to try.  DropTask is free, $ 6.99 for the Pro version .

FireTask (iOS, Mac) . If you have many ideas and want to organize them this application is for you, in fact you will find a unique function compared to all other applications. FireTask is an application that allows you to manage projects, tasks and sub-tasks in full GTD style and to focus on things to do thanks to the view that summarizes the tasks of today, tomorrow and future ones. The difference compared to other applications is that FireTask has a Scratchboard, basically a whiteboard on which you can write down the ideas or activities that come to mind and then organize them into projects at a later time. FireTask costs $ 5.99 for iPhone, $ 7.99 for iPad, $ 39.99 for Mac .

GoodTask (iOS, Mac) . The Apple Reminder is a very useful application to manage a shopping list and starting from this GoodTask uses the iCloud to generate a complete GTD application. You can view tasks on a calendar, manage and monitor recurring tasks, assign colors and much more. GoodTask is free, $ 4.99 for iOS and $ 19.99 for Mac in the Pro version

Nozbe (Android, iOS, Windows, Web, Mac, Linux) . One of the strengths of this application is certainly portability considering that it works with practically all major platforms and that it integrates perfectly with Evernote, Dropbox, Google Calendar and more. Like all GTD applications, Nozbe also allows you to add activities to manage tags, contexts and projects, but in this case the developers have focused on making the experience as usable and simple as possible by using icons and colors for cataloging. Nozbe costs $ 8 / month

OmniFocus (iOS, Mac) . This application is a milestone in the Mac world and has its origins in a project that started more than 10 years ago. Activities can be organized by project and context and ordered by preference or priority. OmniFocus allows you to view your activity in different ways, from project, execution date to custom groupings. Also you can set up recursive tasks and reminders based on where you are. The application can be integrated with the others for the Mac and it is also possible to check your productivity at the end of a project. Surely an application that will allow you to have every aspect of your projects under control!OmiFocus costs $ 19.99 for iPhone, $ 39.99 for Mac in the standard version. $ 59.98 for iOS and $ 79.99 for Mac in the Pro version.

Streaks (iPhone) . Whatever you want to do, from losing weight to quitting smoking, this app will help you do it. Streaks was created to be a motivator, but it is not only needed for projects of this kind, in fact it is possible to define any activity to remember in the day even recursive. A peculiarity is that to add a new activity, once you have reached the maximum limit allowed for the day (the developers declare that they did it for your good!) You must first complete an old one. Straks costs $ 4 .

The Hit List (iOS, Mac) . This application was created to manage complex projects and looks a lot like what a project management software could. It is possible to define activities, group them into projects, assign a duration and add notes and documents to each one of them. The Hit List costs $ 19.99 for iOS, $ 49.99 for Mac.

Things (iOS, Mac) . If you are looking for a simpler product than OmniFocus but still complete then this application may be for you. Things allows you to easily add activities and organize them by project as well as simply see them divided by execution date (today, tomorrow, another day). It is also possible to organize activities by “area” and therefore divide the work activities from the personal ones. If you are looking for a simple GTD application that allows you to manage multiple projects, Things may be right for you. Things costs $ 9.99 for iPhone, $ 19.99 for iPad, $ 49.99 for Mac.

TickTick (Android, iOS, Web, Mac) . If your need is to simply manage activities and sub-activities then TickTick is for you. The ease of use of the application is its strong point, in fact it is possible to add an activity by typing its content and then, simply by touching it, add sub-activities: automatically the “parent” activity will be transformed into a project. You can also manage recursive activities and view everything in a view summarizing what you need to do in the week. TickTick is free. $ 1.99 / month for the Pro version .

Todoist (Android, iOS, Windows, Web, Mac) . This elegant multi-platform application allows you to manage activities and sub-activities by organizing them into projects and focusing on what to do every day thanks to the “today activities” and “activities of the week” view. The activities are displayed in simple boxes, but within them it is possible to define who to delegate them or which priority to assign. If you are a visual person this application is for you, in fact you will also have graphs and diagrams available to measure your productivity. Todoist is free, the premium version costs $ 2.42 / month .

Todo Cloud (Android, iOS, Web, Mac) . This application is available for both download and cloud use. The activities can be organized by context, list or tags, all customizable and it is also possible to view all the activities entered with a single click. It is also possible to manage dates, notes and other properties for each activity and sub-activity. A simple application for sharing and productivity. Todo Cloud is free. $ 1.99 / month for the Premium version

Toodledo (Android, iOS, Web) . This application allows you to outline the maximum activities to be done by creating a list by points and levels as you would with a text editor. It is also possible to view activities in a traditional way with the typical features of the GTD. There is also a note and table view to keep track of your notes and expenses. Toodledo is free. $ 1.25 ($ 3.99 for iOS) for the Pro version which allows you to manage sub-tasks and collaborate with other users .

2Do (Android, iOS, Mac) . If you are looking for more features in an application that can be used on both Android and iOS then 2Do is for you. With this application it is not only possible to manage activities and organize them into projects, but you can specify their duration, modify them massively, filter the most important ones, set privacy and much more. You can sync tasks with Dropbox and other calendars using a CalDAV server, or using Toodledo. 2Do costs $ 6.99 for Android, $ 9.99 for iOS, $ 34.99 for Mac

The Kanban

With the Kanban method you can keep your projects and your progress in plain sight! If you are someone who doesn’t like complications and complex applications like GTDs, if you are not comfortable with a to-do list and would like more to have a visual application, then the ones below are for you. .

Eisenhower (iOS) . It is an application that allows you to define activities in perfect Eisenhower matrix style, thus giving the right priority to the activities to be carried out. Operation is simple and intuitive with tabs that can be moved across the four quadrants by dragging. Eisenhower costs $ 2.99 .

Gneo (iPhone, iPad) . If your problem is overlapping activities then this application is for you, in fact Gneo intends to put the jumble of your activities in order. The main panel allows you to prioritize your activities based on the criterion of urgency and importance . For example, if an activity is moved to next week you can drag it to the important things tab, while if you want to put your activities in order you can create “notebooks” or cards. Gneo costs $ 10

Habitica (Android) . This application is a game! Yes, if you like to make everything a game and you are a lover of RPGs you might find this application very interesting and fun. Habitica is a video game that helps you improve your life habits, making your activities (habits, activities, routines) monsters to fight. The better you are at these the better and faster you will progress through the game. You will also be able to categorize your projects and compete with your friends. Habitica is free

LeanKit (Android, iOS, Web) . Leankit is a very powerful application that allows you to manage very complex projects through high content customization. We recommend this application only to those who are familiar with the Kanban method and who need to manage many activities especially in the workplace. With Lankit you can in fact add and customize as many columns as you want, insert activities and sub-activities at will, mark them with tags, assign them to the people of the work team and much more. There is also a calendar view that allows you to stay focused on current, future and upcoming activities. Furthermore, you can also use statistics and reports to measure productivity.Leankit is free

KanbanFlow (Web) . The strength of this application is to allow you to view not only the activities but also the notes and sub-activities simultaneously. You can customize columns and show or hide information dynamically. Another feature that makes the product unique is to include a timer in perfect tomato technique style. In this way you will automatically have a system that reminds you to take breaks and that measures your performance in each activity, you will also have reports and graphs that measure productivity. KanbanFlow is free, $ 5 for the Premium version

Trel lo (Android, iOS, Windows, Web) . This application is extremely simple yet powerful at the same time. It is in fact possible to customize the columns in which the cards will be inserted, for example by defining the activities in progress, to do and the wish list. Each card is like a post-it on which you can add a description, but also sub-activities or tags. Furthermore, this application can also be used in a team. Trello is free, $ 5 for the Gold version


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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