4 Rituals to Ward Off Negative Energy on Halloween

Learn 4 powerful rituals to ward off negative energy on Halloween and protect yourself from spooky vibes. Cleanse your space and feel refreshed with these simple practices.

Halloween has its origins in the Celtic festival of Samhain, celebrated on October 31st, which marked the end of summer and the beginning of winter. The Celts believed that on this night, the veil between the world of the living and the dead became thinner, allowing spirits and supernatural beings to roam the Earth. To ward off these entities, they lit bonfires and wore scary costumes.

The image of witches, associated with Halloween, has its roots in the Middle Ages, when women considered healers or practitioners of magic were persecuted and accused of witchcraft. “Witches were women who healed, midwives, healers, women who made incense and knew the power of herbs. They were not well accepted and died because of their gifts,” says tarot reader Isabel Fogaça.

It was believed that on the night of Samhain or Halloween, witches performed rituals and met with dark forces. Over the centuries, the image of witches became popular as part of the festival’s traditions, contributing to the mystical and frightening atmosphere of the date.

Smudging to purify energies

One of the plants most used by witches in the past was mugwort, known as the queen of herbs, as it increases connection with the divine, purifies energies and increases intuition. “Using the plant at this time is to worship witches and perform this energetic purification in a profound way”, explains Isabel Fogaça.

Below, the tarot reader teaches how to smudge with artemisia and cinnamon. Check it out!

  • Smudging with mugwort: take some mugwort incense, or the herb itself, and burn it to smudge the house or environment. Vibrate good energies and say a prayer.
  • Cinnamon smoking: light a cinnamon stick until it starts to release smoke.

Baths to eliminate negativity and cleanse the spirit

Next, Isabel Fogaça also teaches how to prepare an energetic and cleansing bath for Halloween.

Bath with mugwort

Indicated for energy purification and eliminating negative energies


  • 1 l of water
  • 1 handful of mugwort

How to do it

In a saucepan, boil water over medium heat. Turn off the heat and add the herb. Wait for it to cool. Before taking the bath, apply a small amount to your wrist and wait a few hours to identify any allergies. If there is no change in your skin, strain and pour the water from the neck down after your hygiene bath. The strained leaves can be thrown into nature.

Rosemary bath

Recommended for deep spiritual cleansing


  • 1 l of water
  • 1 handful of dried or fresh rosemary

How to do it

In a saucepan, boil water over medium heat. Turn off the heat and add the herb. Wait for it to cool. Before taking the bath, apply a small amount to your wrist and wait a few hours to identify any allergies. If there is no change in your skin, strain and pour the water from the neck down after your hygiene bath. The strained leaves can be thrown into nature.