Popular methods for working the buttocks often work poorly or do not work at all. A person comes to the gym and does not see any visible results either after six months or a year of hard work. As sports trainer Inessa Pataraya (OOO “Ribut Center”) explained to us, this happens because the “classic” training often does not take into account the functions of the muscles:
“The main functions of the large gluteal muscles are extension in the hip joint and maintaining the balance of the pelvis and torso. Therefore, if the buttocks are not functional, then first of all we will not get pumped up muscles and an elastic body, but problems with movement.”
The trainer also named four main mistakes in buttock training and explained why they should be avoided.
1. Squeeze your glutes and do a huge number of reps
“These are very popular tips from all the fitness girls. Don’t follow them! They will lead to muscle spasms and blocking of the sacrum movement. As a result, you will not get beautiful buttocks, but pain.”
2. Do not give weight load
“The gluteal muscles are some of the largest and most powerful in our body. This means that 0.5 kg dumbbells are of no use here! You can easily take a weight of 4 kg and above. But this is provided that you have prepared your body for the load, perfected the technique and are working with the gluteal muscles, not the pear-shaped ones.”
3. Abuse diets
“If you want to not only strengthen your buttocks, but also add muscle mass to them, then be sure to review your diet. It should be strictly balanced in proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.”
4. Exercise every day
“Muscles grow not during training, but during recovery. You shouldn’t exercise every day. Two or three strength training sessions a week are enough.”