31 motivational quotes to inspire kids

The inspiration and motivation to dress with a smile every day is found in the little things that surround us: a hug from our children, some shared coffees, a look of complicity … However, with the busyness that often governs our days , it is difficult to realize it. For this reason, and to flood you with optimism and joy, at Guiainfantil.com we have compiled some positive thoughts and motivational phrases for both parents and children to be inspired every day of January .


  1. The importance of transmitting positive thoughts to children
  2. The motivational phrases that will inspire you every day in January
  3. Pass these messages full of motivation to your children
  4. The optimistic phrases that motivate parents and children in January

The importance of transmitting positive thoughts to children

When we feel capable, motivated and valued, there is no one to stop us! Hence, the importance of saying motivational phrases to ourselves and changing catastrophic or harmful thoughts for more optimistic ones. But, in the same way, we must pass them on to our children. In this way, we will be educating them in optimism , which will give them wings to achieve what they set out to do.

When we have a more optimistic outlook and we educate our children so that they also have the same attitude:

– We are happier , because we manage to extract the positive from even the most complicated situations.

– Our self-esteem  and that of our children is reinforced.

– We manage to create a happy and comfortable environment so that both we and our children can grow up happily and freely.

– We manage to have a more conscious and reflective look at our day to day, since we learn to reflect on how we feel about what surrounds us and acquire the best that it can contribute. The key is to stop viewing everyday situations as a ‘burden’, and begin to see them as an opportunity for our personal development.

– We manage to realize that being optimistic is not the same as being crazy or impulsive . It is not about waiting for good things to happen, but about motivating ourselves to dedicate our efforts to achieving our wishes.

– Even, as explained in the report ‘ Balance in life ‘ (published by HRM of the Government of Pennsylvania, in the United States) optimism can strengthen health , since it allows us to face stressful situations (when we secrete a hormone called cortisol) with a less traumatic result on a physical and emotional level.

The motivational phrases that will inspire you every day in January

Knowing how important it is to have optimism and inspiration as a flag, here are some beautiful motivational phrases that will help us as parents to have positive thinking, but will also accompany children.

– January 1. The change you want depends on the decisions you make.
Learn and teach your children that if we are not satisfied with what we do or are, we can (and should) seek change. With a simple step, you can change habits and behaviors that do not make us happy. It all depends on the decision and our willpower to build good habits.

– January 2. What we do makes more noise than what we talk about
Our actions and attitudes speak so loud that they are heard more than what we say to our children, for more reasons than we have. Let us be and do what we would like children to acquire. We can never forget that there is no better teaching tool than our example .

– January 3. Never stop, never settle; Until the good is better and the best is excellent
Comfort is a state of mind in which people feel satisfied to the point of not wanting to get up and continue fighting for their dreams . Therefore, it is important that we do not settle for what we are or have.

– January 4. You don’t need to be better than anyone else; You just need to be a better version of yourself, every day
Being the best version of yourself means knowing our worth to face difficulties, without having to compete with others . This is a great value that we must transmit to our children since they are very young.

– January 5 . Let today be today, without the weight of yesterday or anxiety about tomorrow.
If we live thinking only about the future or pending the past, we will be sacrificing our present moment. The only time we can interfere, transform and change is ‘now’.

– January 6th. When you want to give something of real value to someone, pay attention to it.
On this day of the Magi, we invite you to give attention and time to your loved ones . Paying attention to others leads us to a healthier life, especially emotionally; it leads us to feel better about ourselves and others. Attention is a form of affection and affection.

– January 7th. Success is the sum of small efforts repeated every day.
Overcoming problems is difficult but it is they who strengthen us and prepare us to live better days. The effort put into overcoming barriers is what will make us stronger and more successful . Have you ever explained it to your children?

– January the 8th. A positive person turns problems into challenges, never obstacles.When
a person has a positive attitude, no matter what comes his way, the difficulties will not sink him , the problems will not make him impossible, but will be faced as a small challenge more to overcome. May we never forget this motivational phrase!

– January 9th. Do not complain. Find solutions
The complaints are meaningless because they do not change or solve anything. So why complain? Complaining constantly prevents us from solving problems as we should.

– January 10. Gratitude is the password to recognize everything we have and be happy.
Gratitude is one of the most positive values ​​that one can learn. It is about focusing on the good things or deeds in our lives and giving thanks for everything. Gratitude is a source of happiness.

Pass these messages full of motivation to your children

– January 11. Insist, persist and never give up
With persistence, success is assured. Who persists, achieves and conquers everything that is proposed. Every challenge is an opportunity to learn. So faced with a challenge, we must teach children to persist and never give up.

– 12th of January. Creating goals is the first step to transform the invisible into the visible.
Having a goal helps us to have focus and not to be adrift. Purposes or challenges make it easier for us to measure progress, improve our productivity and reinforce our self-esteem and our commitment.

– January 13th. Be the change you want to see in the world
This is a phrase by Mahatma Gandhi , a leader who defended his ideals in such a way that he became an icon of peace and justice. For him, all change begins with oneself. It motivates us to be what we want to see reflected in those around us, it is to seek our change before wanting to change others.

– January 14. You can more than you imagine. You are worth more than you think.
Have confidence in yourself, in your power to discover and grow. There is more potential in you than you think, and those virtues and capacities are what will drive you to achieve your goals .

– January 15. Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see all the stairs
Quote by Martin Luther King , a Baptist pastor known for fighting in defense of the rights of the black population of the United States. Through faith and hope, human beings are able to face the unknown and act despite not knowing what is going to happen.

– January 16. Don’t be in a hurry to get there; enjoy the road
We invite you to enjoy the road before reaching the goal. Every moment of the journey counts and many times it is during this process when you most enjoy and learn. Do not be in a hurry, the important thing is not only to get to the destination, but to take advantage of every moment of the way.

– January 17. Sometimes we win, other times we learn
It’s true, we learn more when we lose than when we win. We all like to win in life, but when we lose we gain experiences and learning. So don’t be afraid of losing. Hence, the importance of teaching our children to learn from their mistakes .

– January 18. If you can’t do everything, do everything you can.
It is not necessary to do much or everything, but whatever you do, do it well; do it the best way you can without worrying about getting everything. The effort that goes into achieving a goal is never wasted. This is a motivating phrase that we can never forget as parents, since many times we feel very frustrated to get to everything … and we stop being happy.

– January 19. Get closer to what adds to you and move away from what remains.
Do not allow envious, jealous people with bad energy to take away your life, take away your strength, demotivate you or discourage you. The best thing is to approach people who encourage you, who bring good things and feelings, who love and value you. Let’s teach children to do it too!

The optimistic phrases that motivate parents and children in January

– January 20. The only thing is impossible that does not try
The persistence is the best weapon to achieve what you want, is the engine that drives us to get into action. It is the energy that encourages us not to give up or give up on our dreams, because the only impossible thing is what we don’t try.

– January 21st. The hug is food for the heart and a nice way to express your love without using words
Because we all need a hug … A hug can turn a bad day into the best of our lives. The hug increases confidence, curbs bad emotions, favors mood and happiness. Have you given a hug of motivation and love to your children today?

– January 22. Living is the same as riding a bicycle: you need balance to keep moving.
Living in balance is living with health, love and work. We must strive to establish a balance between who we are and what we do, between our dreams and our purposes, between our capabilities and our priorities.

– January 23. Every effort has its rewards. Do not give up!
All effort, energy or effort that you dedicate to achieve your goals produces changes, although many times you cannot see them. With persistence, confidence, patience and perseverance, you will achieve a reward, even if you feel that no matter how much effort you put into obtaining something, nothing will happen. This is one of those motivational phrases that we cannot stop repeating to children.

– January 24. Without sacrifice there is no victory
Achieving our goals, getting a job, getting good grades in school … it is not always an easy task! To achieve something, it is often necessary to sacrifice something. The sacrifice is an act of courage, so if you want your dreams come true, start to be made to work without wasting time on anything that takes you away from your goals.

– January 25. This is the moment. Focus on your priorities
Defining priorities helps us achieve our goals, enjoy them, and thus increase our well-being. It is about choosing what is most important, giving each thing its value . Choosing, when everything seems important, is difficult but we can learn to do it.

– 26 of January. Joy is nothing more than knowing how to enjoy the simple things that each day offers us.
Feeling happy is an option. The joy is a loving excitement and a sense of satisfaction. You can be happy when we appreciate the simple and simple things in life, like nature and the environment, for example. What is synonymous with joy in your family?

– January 27th. The way to receive what we do not have is to be grateful for what we do have.
Being grateful is essential to fully appreciate and enjoy life. Being grateful for what we are, what we have, loved ones, what we have achieved, our awakening and everything that surrounds us, makes us recognize that we live in harmony and well-being.

– January 28. Give each day the opportunity to be the best day of your life
So that today is the best day of your life, it depends on the attitude you have towards it. Do not stand idly by and do not become a spectator of your life, act positively and without fear. Do something different so that that day makes a difference with others. Get the batteries! Choose what your motivation is!

– January 29. There are only two days in the year when nothing can be done: yesterday and tomorrow.
We cannot change what we did yesterday, nor do we know what we will do tomorrow, so we only have today. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift; That is why it is called present. And it is that present that is in our hands and that gives us the power to change, fix and enjoy what we want.

[Read +: If your child says these 12 sentences, you are doing very well ]

– January 30th. May your dreams today be bigger than your fears
There are fears that educate, protect and teach us. But there are other fears that paralyze us and prevent us from walking or acting. Children must learn from a very young age that feeling fear is normal , but that we must be brave to face them to follow our dreams.

– January 31. Forward, you walk; up, you look; but it is by fighting that it is conquered.
Happiness depends a lot on the position that each one has in front of life. We are always walking forward, with our heads held high and without stopping to fight to achieve our goals. Let’s show it to the kids!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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