30 Examples of Still and still

Still it is a sequence that means “still like this” ( The house was messy and continues still like this ) . Even so, it is a connector that is equivalent to “despite that”, “with everything”, “however” ( Even so , with all the obstacles ahead, we will keep trying ).

The expressions “still” and “even so” are homophones , that is, they sound phonetically the same but their meaning is different and they are written differently. In orality, when hearing any of these forms, we may not be certain whether they have an accent or not, so sometimes confusion can be generated.

  • See also: Sentences with even and even (with and without accent marks)

When is each used?

  • Still . It is a sequence formed by the adverb of time “yet”, followed by the adverb of “thus”. It is recognized because “still” can be replaced by “still”, and therefore must have an accent. For example: Five minutes after leaving for the party, you are still like this , in your pajamas.
  • Even so . It is a connector that can be paraphrased by “despite that” or “even if it were”, among other constructions. It is recognized because “still” can be replaced by “even” or “until”, and therefore does not carry an accent. For example: I don’t know you, yet I still decided to trust you.

Examples of sentences with “even so”

  1. Classes start next Monday and school is still going on , without heat.
  2. They are about to open the restaurant and the room still , unpainted.
  3. The patient continues even so , with some temperature lines.
  4. I asked you to put your things in order and the room still goes on , just like before.
  5. Two weeks have passed since the operation and he is still in pain and discomfort.
  6. In two months we will still be there if we don’t do something about it.
  7. We are in the middle of winter and the weather is still like this , as if it were summer.
  8. Years have passed since the last flood and the town still remains desolate.
  9. It got dark and the boy is still like this , he should bundle up.
  10. Are you still like this after two hours of waiting?
  11. Firefighters have been working for hours and the house is still on fire.
  12. If in a few days I still continue like this , I will visit a doctor to get checked.
  13. I still still , lying on the bed without wanting to get up.
  14. He’s been enthusiastic about the project from the beginning, and continues to do so .
  15. The soccer world cup is days away from starting, but the main stadium is still unfinished and without authorization.

Examples of sentences with “even so”

  1. It is very cloudy, but we will still go to the beach.
  2. The world economy went into recession, and still the company grew.
  3. He had some problems, but he still got out of the situation with ease.
  4. I studied days and days, and still I did not pass the exam.
  5. The doctor told him to rest, but he still went to play the soccer game.
  6. I didn’t like the book at all; Still , I finished reading it.
  7. She took a lot of cooking classes, and yet her meals have no flavor.
  8. He confirmed that he was coming to the party, and still he was absent.
  9. He did everything to make her fall in love with him, but she still could n’t.
  10. Even so , with all these difficulties, we will come to fruition.
  11. He feels better now; even so , he will go to carry out the studies that were indicated to him.
  12. Nobody believes in that couple, but even so they continue to bet on love.
  13. I know you don’t feel like it; Still , we will go visit your aunts.
  14. The sweater was very expensive, I still bought it because it was beautiful.
  15. Still , with all his limitations, he is an excellent person.
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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