3 ways to build new beliefs Change life forever

Faith affects the development of potential Including the very use of our lives, this article will present 4 negative beliefs that we encounter in common people. Including how to manage


Core beliefs are the principles of our life. Which main belief It can be both positive and negative, where beliefs, both positive and negative, affect our lives. In particular, negative beliefs will adversely affect us whether it is the limitations of our own abilities. Pessimism, etc.


The following major negative beliefs It is a negative belief that most people have:


  1. I am not recognized.

Rejection from friends Or even a childhood family Can affect a person’s identity and beliefs when he grows up. This group of people often avoid relationships. Because they fear rejection Or in another form that is They showed great effort In order to be accepted by the group, etc.


2.The world is scary, insecure

Another negative belief that causes us to feel anxious and try to escape risks is the belief that the world is scary. And insecure These people will not dare to do anything that they feel is at risk. Always need confirmation from the people around you. When to do something And often think of results in various matters In addition to being overly negative, including underestimating one’s abilities


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  1. I am a failure and not good enough.

This group of people felt that they were inadequate, not good enough, often due to the fact that they were criticized by their babysitter. Or from childhood bullying, or even being compared with others. The belief that they are not good enough They are failures Will make these people try hard To hide the scars in their hearts Sometimes this belief makes them think. They are not worthy of success. They are not as smart or capable as others think. Even if they have accomplished something These people tend to procrastinate. Because they have fear and think that their failure to act They just didn’t But it has not failed in any way


  1. I have to be perfect.

Similar to belief in verse 3, this belief has a profound effect on mental health. Including relationships with those around them People who believe they have to be perfect. There are often exaggerated expectations. And tend to look at the mistakes or imperfections that occur They do not know to let go and feel that they do not often have time.


If you are one of the main beliefs mentioned in this article, there are 3 methods that will help you build new beliefs that will make your life better .


  1. Find the cause of belief from past events.

Most of the time, our beliefs arise from past experiences. Although our parents try their best according to knowledge Their abilities at that time But sometimes some of their actions can cause wounds in our hearts. In which this could happen by other people Around the body that we meet as we grow as well. Which wounds It becomes a crux of negative beliefs that affect your happy life. And use your full potential


How to Fix It : Consider any negative beliefs you have. And try to check that What events did it come from in our life? For example, my mother went to school with us as a child. Make us feel “We don’t matter,” whether Mom ever said these words or not, or parents separated when we were young. And Dad is no longer in the same house as us. Make us feel “We are not worthy of love” etc.


  1. Find evidence

What can we believe? For example, if you believe that “we are not good enough”, try to revert to ourselves, “We are good,” and find reasons why we are “good enough”. enough”

Let’s support each of our positive beliefs, and soon you will Destroy negative beliefs And rebuild your strong positive beliefs instead


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3.Stay positive

Of course, humans have various emotions. Often we try to apply cause and effect to our beliefs. But that does not work in any way Because we are feeling down Try to be positive.

When we start to feel bad Think about when we feel good And believe in our positive beliefs And feel good about it


For example, if you have a negative belief that “I’m not good enough,” think of a time when we felt “we were good enough” and then imagine that we felt that way for a moment. And told myself We’ll be able to feel this good again.

Allow yourself to believe new evidence To support positive beliefs, for example, you may be able to choose a job interview that you are very desirable. But you feel Your choice is just a coincidence. He wouldn’t have hired me, for example, to change your mind to thank and admire yourself, for example, thank you for the opportunity that happened, thank the company for seeing our capabilities. And want to talk to us instead


You can also change your beliefs by trying the following methods.


– Create a vision board to support your positive beliefs that you are trying to build on.

– Surround yourself with friends and family who help support your positive beliefs. To allow you to use your full potential And have a happy life

– Consider information The news that I consume Does it contribute to our negative beliefs? For example, if we feel that the world is unsafe? We should also stop watching crime news, etc.


Faith has a very important effect on us. Developing potential and happiness in life Prae hope that this article It allows you to return and explore your own beliefs. And adjust it to be positive However, if you are not sure What negative beliefs do you have that are affecting your life? Talking to an expert to help It is something that will help you a lot.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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