3 types of company manuals

Among the different types of company manuals are the following three: corporate identity manual; crisis manual, and the welcome manual.

1.- Corporate Identity Manual. It is the document that collects the different applications of the image of a brand. It also defines the visual aspects such as the logo, typography and color, as well as information on the brand’s philosophy.

2.- Crisis Manual. It is an internal and confidential document for the exclusive use of a company and is used as a roadmap or method that establishes how to proceed before the media and internal personnel to prevent any possible threat. Anticipate hypothetical risks, building protocols ranging from the identification of an internal committee to the creation of messages and / or an argument.

3.- Welcome manual. It is a document that helps integrate a new employee and her adaptation process in an organization. Knowing the history, mission and global vision of the company, its values ​​and objectives, as well as the functions it will perform, will help the newcomer to identify and integrate easily into the corporate culture.

Although we may think that these manuals are part of the past and may be obsolete according to which organizations are still very useful. Therefore, it would not be wrong to review and update them to incorporate news.

Do we know what the correct use or application of our logo should be in the different media? Who is the spokesperson of our company for the media? o Do you know the organization you work for well?

There are many questions we ask ourselves when we become part of an organization or even when we have been in it for a long time. There are few times that we know how to give an exact answer to certain doubts since we proceed according to, “it has always been done this way”, without paying much attention and without having previously redefined or established action protocols until an emerging need appears.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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