25 Examples of Crawling animals

The definition of the adjective ‘ creeping’ has a direct relationship with the word ‘ ras’ , and when applied to animals it refers to those that move along the ground, that is, on it. For example: sea ​​turtle, chameleon, earthworm.

While some use the concept to talk even the birds flying low flush or on the ground, the exact definition of groveling animals is the animal that is creep . The definition also extends to the field of botany, since creeping plants are those that extend their stem along the ground.

  • It can serve you: Ectothermic and endothermic animals

Displacement of reptiles

Animals that crawl are usually associated with the group of reptiles , whose locomotion is based on the dragging of bodies, a verb that precisely gives its name to the category of reptiles. However, not all reptiles are crawling , as many animals move without belonging to this group: in addition to crawling , reptiles must have the characteristic of having a scaly, dry, keratinized and thick skin.

Rather, reptiles are an internal group within crawlers, within which in turn different categories are opened : an important part of reptiles has four muscular legs and a tail that helps balance, these being the reptiles that They do not crawl all the time but have the possibility, when they need to move at a higher speed, to rise on their legs and completely lift their belly off the ground.

Another type of reptile, among which the snake stands out as a clearer example, does not have limbs and can only crawl. These animals must have strong agility and a great ability to adapt to the environment, to be able to resist with the sole ability to move that way.

Invertebrate crawling movement

The displacement of some invertebrates such as worms is based on the fact that a part of the body swells by running the body back and forth: this swelling is produced by a muscular sac that can expand or contract. This class of movements is called peristaltic, and it is common to all annelids .

A particular case is that of snails , which for a long time it was thought that due to the slime they have, they are capable of generating an optimal means of movement. On the contrary, more recent investigations affirm that the displacement of the snails is given by peristaltic muscle movements that occur in the body.

The snails advance without exerting force on specific points , but rather by distributing a relatively low force over a very large area. The adhesive substance, then, is what allows it to move more easily, but it is not the root of the ability to move that is given by its condition as an annelid.

Here is a list of crawling animals including reptiles and annelids.

Examples of crawling animals

Terrestrial slugs Blind shingles Sea snails
Sea turtle Nereis Green basilisk
Piton Gusarapa Miñoca
Razor Palolo Alligator
Labaria Snout viper Snake
Oysters or oysters Alligator Earthworm
Komodo dragon Chameleon Leatherback turtle
Leech Sea slugs Land snails


by Abdullah Sam
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