25 beautiful words of love for a woman

Are you madly in love with her but having trouble expressing your feelings? This is completely normal ! Love gives us wings when it comes to moving mountains. When we want to make plans for the future or to please our other half, love inspires us and gives us a boost.


When we have doubts or when we are stressed, love gives us back a smile and a reason to fight. In the end, love is all you need to live happily and serene. Yet love can also make us nervous and shy. When we are in love to the ears, we can sometimes lose our means in front of the person we like.


So when you try to express your feelings and emotions, you can lose your words. We want to be sure that the sentences we pronounce perfectly reflect what we feel. But sometimes it feels like it’s hard to find the right words.


To help you write love words to a woman you like, we’ve prepared a list of 25 messages you can send to your loved one to tell her the true depth of your feelings. You can also choose to be inspired by these few sentences to write him a beautiful poem!


Words of love for a woman



Here are some examples of romantic messages to send to your partner to reassure her about your feelings and your willingness to share your future with her.


  1. Today, I love you more than yesterday but less than tomorrow!


  1. If I had twelve roses, eleven natural and one artificial; I will love you until the last petal of the last rose falls.


  1. Last night I looked at the sky and for every star I saw, I listed a reason that made me love you. In short, everything was going very well but I had no more stars to count.


  1. Last night I asked an angel to protect you. He refused. When I asked him why, he replied: angels cannot protect one of their own.


  1. If I ended up in Heaven, once I died, and someone asked me how I would like to be reincarnated, I would respond: in tears. That way, I would be born in your eyes, run down your cheek, and die on your lips.


  1. I shed a tear in the ocean. When you find her, I will stop loving you …


  1. You are more than beautiful. You are beautiful, charming and resplendent.


  1. I always want you to feel like the most beautiful and special woman in the world. This is my primary goal: to make you smile and give you self-confidence.


  1. Sometimes I look at you and wonder how someone like me could have ended up with such a princess. Thank you for your unconditional love.


  1. Every day of my life, every hour, minute and second of my existence, my heart beats only for you. I love you.


  1. Words of love for my beautiful: you deserve the whole world at your feet. I cannot offer you the universe but I can give you much more: my heart, my soul and my love.


  1. If I could, I would hold you in my arms forever. I would whisper words of love and encouragement to you because you deserve it more than anything.


  1. I would have conquered the whole world with one hand, if you held me the other.


  1. I have seen a lot of precious things in my life. But you, my love, you are the most precious of all. I will never let you go…


  1. I can see thousands of stars in the sky but, in my heart, there is only one: you, my love!


16 . If people say that no one is perfect then, my dear, you are no one to me.


  1. When I’m with you, I’m a better person. When I’m away from you, I’m only half the man you made me.


  1. People say a picture speaks more than a thousand words. For me, a photo of you can only say three very important words: I love you!


  1. I need you like the poet needs pain and flowers for rain. It’s great to be alive, but living without you is very painful. I am completely yours; my soul and my body are entirely yours.


  1. I love the way you hug my neck. With your passionate hug, you protect me from all doubts and worries.


  1. I love every part of your body. I love every trait of your personality. I wouldn’t change a thing about you because you are perfect.


  1. If one day we argue and you want to clarify the situatio: just kiss me!


  1. You are the reason I breathe. If you left me, I would feel like I was out of breath. Always stay close to me because you make me happy.


  1. You are always with me even when you are physically far away. Our shared memories never fade in my mind and are very dear to my heart.


  1. Your mere existence makes me the happiest man in the world. And, when you are by my side, I radiate joy and happiness.


Here are 25 words of love for a woman. We hope you were able to find the inspiration to share your feelings with your loved one.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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