20 personal goals for 2021 you can start today

It feels like there is talk of goals everywhere or it is the case that I live in a bubble where people focus on setting goals for the new year. Setting personal goals helps you to have a direction for your personal development. For the most part, the goals’ focus is precisely on personal development, but of course there are other types of goals as well. Today I want to focus on the personal goals.

Personal goals

Personal goals are about growing as a person, developing new skills and developing your skills in being a loving person in your family and in your other contexts.

Setting goals is a process that is about getting new and better results but also about taking responsibility for our own lives. It makes you put yourself in charge of your mistakes instead of blaming someone else.

Personal goals can be about:

  • Personal development
  • Professional success
  • Family life
  • Life in general

How to set personal goals

When you set your goals, it is often about answering a few key questions. Here are three suggestions for questions that may be helpful:

  • What do I want to get out of life
  • What do I want my family life to look like / be like?
  • How do I want to advance in my working life?

The answers to these questions will lead you to the goals you set for the coming year or for a specific period.

Here is a list of suggested goals based on the four categories I listed above:

Personal development

  1. Teach me more

There are so many sources of knowledge today. You can sit anywhere and read yourself to new knowledge. Choose what you would like to learn more about or decide that you will spend a certain amount of time a week improving on a particular topic.

  1. Become a good listener

The world always needs more good listeners. Your relationships will deepen if you learn to really listen to what people around you are saying.

  1. Wake up early

This one I’m crazy about. Early does not have to be early but earlier than you get up today. It helps you create clarity for the day and increases your focus.

  1. Let go of the past

This is really something good to practice. It is seldom a good idea to get stuck and dwell on what has happened for too long. Rather focus on what is happening now. It will give you a more rewarding life.

  1. Take care of your health

This one is always good. There is always something good to get out of taking care of yourself. Feeling good gives such great value in life.

  1. Train endurance

This one is difficult – perseverance and patience – but oh how good it is to be good at it. It helps you to keep going even when it feels difficult.

Professional success

  1. Focus on being proactive instead of reactive

Proactive people do not base their relationship with the environment on external circumstances, but they make their decisions and are influenced by their inner convictions and knowledge. It creates a greater calm and gives better results in the long run.

  1. Share your knowledge with others

Sharing with others makes you grow. It gives great joy to see other people’s knowledge increase. You will feel satisfied with your achievement.

  1. Learn to manage your time

Ooooo! This is important. Being good at managing your time helps you both in working life and in your personal development. Time management is about understanding how you relate to your time and how to plan it.

  1. Balance work and leisure

Practice balancing how much you work and how much free time you give yourself. Working too much rarely pays off in the long run. Give yourself time for other things by learning to evaluate how you use your time.

  1. Learn new skills

In your work, there is probably always something new that can be good to learn. In order for that opportunity and time to exist, you need to set a goal in order to be able to implement what you are to learn.

Family life

  1. Improve your body language

There are so many ways to “talk” to your family. Body language is one such way. Tell your family members how you feel about them through your body language.

  1. Make the right decision at the right time

In a family, it can easily and quickly become chaos. It is not uncommon to have to make decisions on bounce. It may make sense to practice stopping and making the decision that needs to be made with a calm mind.

  1. Keep your family at the top of all your relationships

Family is important. Most important! These should be the ones you give the most of your time. If you need to do something else, talk to your partner so that it is well established. The relationship gets better and deepens as a result.

  1. Take care of each other’s health

Do things together that benefit your health. Go for walks, cook healthy food and exercise together. It provides a nice togetherness while increasing well-being and well-being.

  1. Go on holiday

Go away and do something together the whole family. It does not have to be far away or expensive. Get away from home and experience something different than usual.

Life in general

  1. Reduce stress and the sources of stress

Stress does not help you grow and is therefore important to prevent. Stress in smaller doses is not dangerous but too much of it can lead to illness. Practice finding stress-reducing activities and find out what is causing your stress.

  1. Reduce your limitations

Most of us have created limitations in life. Fears that stop us from doing things that would actually be good. Find out what these limitations are and start practicing doing things that feel unpleasant to do because of fear of it. Small steps forward lead you to finally master the difficult.

  1. Evaluate your life from time to time

You do not know what progress you have made and if you do not occasionally stop and evaluate what has happened recently. Reflect on your progress and make sure to celebrate it.

  1. Choose your friends

Make sure you have friends / relationships that give you the right energy. Have people around you that you trust and find a small circle of friends with whom you can share everything.

What do you think? Do any of these goals suit you? Maybe it has at least given you an idea of ​​what you could focus on in 2021.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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