What are the three terms above? The spirit of work is an impulse of desire and sincerity possessed by someone in carrying out their work in earnest and disciplined attitude in order to achieve maximum work performance in accordance with the target. Almost the same as moral, moral is the inner atmosphere that a person has and influences the behavior of the individual in behavior in the organization. What about work morals? Work morale is an encouragement that is owned by individuals to participate optimally in an organization to achieve the expected goals.


In addition, work culture is a view of life that contains values ​​and goals to change the attitudes and behavior of individuals as Human Resources in order to increase work productivity in facing various work challenges in the future. High work morals will affect one’s morale, and this condition will also contribute to forming a better corporate culture from time to time.


What Must Be Done to Improve Work Morale, Morale and Work Culture? 

In the world of business and work, having a high focus on the desired results or targets is really needed. However, it does not hurt for us to question many matters relating to the company’s goals, vision and mission that apply. We often forget that high curiosity will only lead to better performance. I’ve heard the saying, “Don’t Know, Then Don’t Love”. Same is the case with contributions made to a company. If we only focus on the goal without knowing more, then the morale that is owned will be very minimal.


By asking questions, this will make us bolder in asking for feedback from superior employees, coworkers, encouraging the birth of new innovations, and helping each employee to get clarity in company goals and improve their performance even better. In addition, asking questions can also help us to see what we think is “right” and “wrong”, so that when asking questions we will be more aware that often what we consider a “truth” is merely subjective beliefs that might need to be changed.


In addition, asking questions will also make someone feel more valued, heard, fulfilled and recognized by people around him, so that this will build a good work culture. According to the huffpost dot com website, there are 15 important questions that can be asked by superiors to improve the morale, morale and work culture of their employees in the organization or company. The following is a more detailed explanation.


Increase morale and employee morale

As was discussed at the beginning of this article that someone with high work morale will produce high morale as well. Therefore, these two things really need to be improved. Some questions that can be asked are as follows:


1. What inspires you to be successful every day?

The first question that can be asked of employees is to ask what things can inspire them to be able to get success every day. There is no denying that we will all DEFINITELY face work challenges or have a very bad day at the office. However, this question will make employees aware that they can look for an idol figure, find out experiences or expressions of motivation that can encourage them to continue to achieve success every day.


2. What is the most important thing about your job?

Through this question, the leader will help his employees focus on the important things that are very meaningful to them. When employees understand more about what they believe is very important, this will increase employee motivation.


3. How happy are you? Answer with a scale of 1 to 10, and what are the reasons?

The leaders are also very important to know, whether their employees feel happy or not while working in the company. Employees who are happy will surely provide the best solutions and performance. But we also need to know how happy employees are? A high scale of happiness affects employee satisfaction in working in the office and high satisfaction will build a high work culture in the company.


The three questions above will help improve morale and work morale owned by the employees. Now to better know more clearly whether our employees are happy in the office or not, the two questions below can help us find out.


4. When Do You Feel You Can Have Fun at Work?

This question is very suitable to be asked when the hard weeks have passed by our employees in the office. Try asking them this question, if the answer is “never”, this indicates that our employees feel unhappy at work. If so, now is the time for leaders to create happiness in the workplace.


5. Approximately, what joke do you like most?

If the employee’s answer is still stiff from this question, then we can conclude that the employee does feel very tense and too serious at work, so we need to be more fluid in creating a pleasant office atmosphere. Being happy and joking doesn’t mean not being serious at work. Leaders need to remember that employees are still social creatures who need to interact with others, they are not robots.


Building and Improving a Strong Work Culture

Recently, Merriam-Webster said that the word “culture” became the best and most famous word this year. Through the word “culture”, your fellow readers will know how important that is for your business all.


6. Mention 5 to 10 qualities an employee needs to have for a strong work culture?

Building a strong work culture can be started since we select new candidates at the beginning of the interview. Try to ask them this question and choose the candidate’s answer that is closest to the work culture that is desired in our company. This is a very smart question to get the employees we want.


7. What Process can you Improve or Improve?

Giving these questions to employees or candidates will make it easier for them to keep thinking and focusing on important things that they will or are improving or improving?


8. Which part of the company value do you want to control?

As we know that company values ​​are a compass that directs employees to become an autonomous person while maintaining existing values. Of all the company’s values, there must be one, two or maybe three values ​​that most employees want to master. They feel that these values ​​really reflect him. The task of the leader in this case is to support him and continue to introduce other important values, so that the work culture is increasing properly.


9. Help What do you need this week? or this month?

Focusing on the future is indeed very good, but we also need to remind employees that focusing on the present is also very important. If we don’t focus on the present, it’s hard to have a good future. Through this question, we will form a work culture that remains focused on the present.


10. What are the things that can make you frustrated at work?

Often employees experience delays in work or feel frustrated because they experience some obstacles that do not dare to be conveyed to their leaders. By asking this question, the leader will know what makes his employees constrained and hampered in work.


11. Are You Feeling Clear about Your Role and What You Should Do? If Unclear, What Aspects Are Still Unclear?

In a good work culture, every employee must know and understand what they are actually doing, what are their goals and why do they have to do all that? A clear message will make employees more motivated, passionate about work and create a good work culture.


12. Reflections: From the Performance Provided This Week, Can Anyone Be Repaired?

Try to do reflection activities before Friday ends with the employees, is there any performance that they gave during the week that can be improved for the future? By reflecting together in this way, employees will be motivated to provide better performance than before.


Managing Introverted Employees to Work More Enthusiastically and Improve Work Culture

We might face a little difficulty in dealing with introverted employees because this type of employee would be very quiet and shy to convey their aspirations or ideas. The three questions below can help fellow readers to interact with introverted employees so that they can help them be more enthusiastic at work and improve the work culture in the office.


13. Have you recently had a Team Discussion or Meeting where you couldn’t share your thoughts? If There Is, Just Tell Now …

Introverted employees usually tend to need more time to think about bright and mature ideas. Moreover, they are usually preceded by extroverted employees in delivering their aspirations. This happens because they need peace of mind to think. This question will help introvert employees to convey aspirations or opinions that have not been able to be spoken. So, they will feel valued and recognized for their presence. That way, they will be more enthusiastic in working and a good work culture will continue to be created in the office.


14. Who Do You Want to Know Better in the Company? How about drinking coffee with them? 

At work, there are certainly many people who are very inspiring in it. When introverted employees admire their superiors or coworkers who are motivated to deliver more performance, they may not express it directly. This question will help them to convey it and open up opportunities for them to be able to discuss and drink coffee with people who can motivate them.


15. Is there something that is holding you back from completing a task?

Often introverted employees like to harbor feelings of annoyance or worry that they feel. This is the right question to ask introverted employees so that they feel that their leaders are very concerned about their progress while at work.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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