15 free GPTs to try now with ChatGPT

Discover 15 free GPTs to try now with ChatGPT , a fantastic opportunity to explore the advanced capabilities of AI and improve your conversation experience with innovative and cutting-edge plugins.

If Artificial Intelligence is a technology that fascinates you a lot and you want to make the most of it for your work or simply to better understand its potential, then learning something about GPTs could be for you. You have surely heard of ChatGPT , OpenAI software with which you can carry out searches, write texts and much more simply using a written chat .

If you use ChatGPT often, then GPTs can be very useful for you to expand the functions of this software. But which are the best? Let’s see 15 particularly interesting tools.


  • Free GPTs for everyone
    • 1. Diagrams: Show Me – Create diagrams with ChatGPT
    • 2. Video Summarizer – Summarizes any YouTube video
    • 3. Video Maker – Create videos online
    • 4. Productivity Tool Finder – Find tools for everything
    • 5. Data Analyst – Analyze files in ChatGPT
    • 6. Screenshot To Code GPT – Convert screenshots to code
    • 7. Automation Consultant by Zapier – Create super Zapier automations
    • 8. Consensus – The GPT for those who do research
    • 9. The Stoic Council – For lovers of Stoic philosophy
    • 10. Canva – Graphic design tool
    • 11. Dall-E – Generate AI images
    • 12. Convert Anything – Convert anything
    • 13. Books – Recommend books
    • 14. Kayak – Plan your trips
    • 15. Presentation and Slides GPT – Generate PDF and PowerPoint

Free GPTs for everyone

15 free GPTs to try now with ChatGPT

While until recently GPTs were only available for paid accounts, you can now customize your ChatGPT experience and install a GPT even if you have a free account . But what are these GPTs? With this expression, Generative Pre-trained Transformers , we define particularly advanced artificial intelligence models that allow you to shape your AI experience and customize it as you wish.

Thanks to the tools provided by ChatGPT you can create customized ChatGPT plugins to use for your work or that of others, effectively generating an extension or real software that can perform specific functions. You have the opportunity to create an advanced program capable of reading , writing and understanding human language , expanding the already very interesting features of ChatGPT . If you want further information on the topic, we refer you to our guide on how GPTs Store works , so you can install and use them to the fullest.

Let’s now see which are the 15 free GPTs that you should try and what functions they offer you.

1. Diagrams: Show Me – Create diagrams with ChatGPT

Installing Diagrams Show Me will make your life easier when you need to quickly create diagrams . With software from the Office package you know very well that it takes a really long time to create a diagram on the data available, while with the chat of ChatGPT and Diagrams: Show Me you can do it in very little time. You can generate a diagram such as mindmaps , UML , chart , ERD and much more, adding the images of your choice.

2. Video Summarizer – Summarizes any YouTube video

Have they sent you a video uploaded from YouTube or do you need information about a conference held online on this platform? Then a summary could replace the less healthy 2x function. Thanks to Video Summarizer you can view the summary of the video on YouTube as text, complete with division into chapters.

3. Video Maker – Create videos online

If, however, you need to create an online video to post on the web, then Video Maker could be for you. It is not software that creates videos with artificial intelligence , but it helps you define a playlist and advises you on how to best develop the clip. With text chat you can ask the plugin for suggestions and then report them as a reference in your digital video content.

4. Productivity Tool Finder – Find tools for everything

A real Swiss army knife for GPTs is Productivity Tool Finder , this plugin gives you the possibility to search and use advanced tools suitable for your work activities. You can ask ChatGPT which are the best note-taking apps or which CRMs best suit your needs.

5. Data Analyst – Analyze files in ChatGPT

Plugin that you could try, if you always want to have your data in order, is Data Analyst . With this tool you can speed up data analysis processes, but above all skim the information. Imagine loading a spreadsheet or a document full of information, with this GPTs you can get a graph or analyze the information within it quickly and precisely.

6. Screenshot To Code GPT – Convert screenshots to code

Not everyone knows about this plugin, but it might surprise you and not a little, in fact, you will be able to convert your screenshots into code thanks to the support for AI models. But you also have the possibility to clone websites with the simple URL or create functional prototypes . If you are a web designer Screenshot To Code GPT will be the plugin you will love the most.

7. Automation Consultant by Zapier – Create super Zapier automations

Created by the developer Zapier , this plugin allows you to get suggestions on software already used by the same programmer . Once you have asked for the suggestion, you can then explore it further with the various points on the screen, which the plugin will continue to explain to you. Automation Consultant by Zapier allows you to sync all the other tools you already have.

8. Consensus – The GPT for those who do research

If, on the other hand, you love carrying out searches with ChatGPT then Consensus will be a small turning point for obtaining an archive that is always up to date . Maybe you are writing your thesis and need precise and updated information, this plugin has a very large archive of many official articles, from which it extracts information.

9. The Stoic Council – For lovers of Stoic philosophy

University and high school students who love philosophy know how complicated it is to find a historical text in bookstores or libraries . With The Historical Council you can bypass this problem and read most ancient texts directly in the ChatGPT chat.

10. Canva – Graphic design tool

A video editor can always be useful for creating clips and online content, but when you add AI features everything becomes even easier and faster. Canva is a free design platform that has its own GPTs and with which you can interact to edit or create images without wasting time.

11. Dall-E – Generate AI images

From the ChatGPT Store you can also install Dall-E , an AI image generator which, thanks to the textual description, allows you to view four different graphics on the screen which you can then choose according to your needs. You can combine multiple data and insert writing and graphic details with good overall quality.

12. Convert Anything – Convert anything

If the idea of ​​connecting to a dedicated website or simply downloading file conversion software isn’t in your plans, then with Convert Anything you can perform the same operations much faster. Imagine you want to convert a PDF to JPEG or MP4 . This GPT, within the chat, will ask you to select the folder from which to upload the files and will perform the conversion based on the format you indicated in the description.

13. Books – Recommend books

Books aims to inform you about books according to your interests . You can ask the chat to recommend economics books or simply texts that can entertain you on the topic you prefer. To the book recommendations it also adds the summaries of the books you have searched for and the analysis of them, if perhaps you need the synopsis.

14. Kayak – Plan your trips

Do you need to organize a trip or book a hotel to spend a few days away from home and the office? Then Kayak can greatly speed up the process of searching for hotels , trains and everything that concerns the purely organizational aspect. You can ask the chat how to manage the trip to a specific city , perhaps also defining the number of days  and people . The more details you write, the easier it will be to plan the tour.

15. Presentation and Slides GPT – Generate PDF and PowerPoint

If you want to create presentations within ChatGPT you can use the Presentation and Slides GPT plugin . This tool allows you to generate PDFs and PowerPoints based on the information you enter. Imagine you need to create a presentation for Ancient Greece or any other topic this plugin will help you generate everything in no time.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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