15 Examples of Leadership

In every group of people it is necessary that there is a leader who organizes and develops the necessary strategies to achieve any goal.

Leadership is what will allow everyone to join their efforts in a common goal, being able to transmit enough confidence to follow the proposed ideas .

There are different types of leadership, some more efficient than others, which can be observed in different areas such as business, political, social or sports.

leadership definition

It is important to start by defining and understanding what the term leadership refers to, a word widely used especially in the organizational area.

Leadership refers to the set of skills or strategies developed by a leader that influence a group of people, leading them to carry out certain actions.

This ability to influence others can be motivated by different reasons, be it fear , admiration, respect , liking, trust , among others.

Exercising the role of leader will require certain characteristics that effectively allow a group to reach an agreement on a common objective and complete the necessary tasks to achieve it.

Best examples of leadership

democratic leadership

Democratic leadership is characterized by considering the contributions of the group in decision-making, maintaining a participatory style and being very effective.

These characteristics in democratic leadership generate a greater commitment and sense of belonging in the group, increasing its productivity and effectiveness.

  1. Jacinda Ardern

“Be strong, be kind” are the words that have characterized this leader in New Zealand politics, a woman who has earned worldwide admiration and respect.

  1. Barack Obama

One of the most popular American presidents of recent times, he marked a milestone in history by being the first African-American leader to be elected as ruler of that country.

  1. Benazir Bhutto

She was the first woman to be elected as president in a Muslim country, she was persecuted having to seek asylum in another country, then she returned to Pakistan where she unfortunately died in a demonstration.

4.Angela Merkel

The first woman elected to be head of government in Germany, she is definitely one of the most powerful leaders in Europe, demonstrating great qualities in the face of every difficulty faced.

  1. Martin Luther King

Nobel Peace Prize laureate, he has undoubtedly left one of the most important legacies in history through his fight for racial equality.

autocratic leadership

On the opposite side of democratic leadership is autocratic leadership , which is characterized by the imposition of coercive ideas and methods on the group it leads.

It is a type of leadership that drives the other through fear, which can cause a high level of rejection that sooner or later will bear fruit.

  1. Adolf Hitler

Leader of the German National Socialist Workers Party, he led that country obtaining plenipotentiary powers that allowed him to carry out one of the most ruthless genocides in history.

7.Fidel Castro 

Although the Cuban leader enjoys popularity, he was known for the cruel way in which he imposed his ideas by persecuting those who opposed him.

  1. Francisco Franco

Spanish soldier and dictator came to power through a coup that started a bloody civil war as well as establishing alliances with German Nazism.

  1. Kim Jon-Un

The North Korean supreme leader is widely known for his impositions and strict restrictions that he pushes towards the led people.

Liderazgo laissez-faire

It is the type of leadership characterized by being the least intrusive in which the leader performs little supervision and is characterized by letting go.

The leader in this case shows excessive confidence in the group, sometimes it could also be perceived as weak and evasive leadership depending on the context.

  1. Mahatma Gandhi

If there is something that characterized Gandhi, it was definitely freedom , his peaceful struggle is an example of leadership that has been marked by confidence in the group he leads.

strategic leadership

Very common in the business world, it is a type of leadership in which they know how to take advantage of the opportunities and strengths of the team they lead.

The strategic leader knows very well those who make up his group and knows how to position them in the right place to reach their maximum potential.

  1. Steve Jobs

The co-founder of the multimillion-dollar Apple company is a clear example of this type of leadership, which allowed him to position his company and engage one of the most qualified teams in computing.

transformational leadership

It is the type of leadership that encourages its followers to go further and get out of their comfort zone, it is a leadership that motivates and inspires and can have incredible results.

Its objective generally points towards innovation, which is why it seeks to do things differently to obtain novel effects that revolutionize the areas in which it develops.

  1. Malala Yousafzai

This young activist has been an example to follow for thousands in her fight to demand fundamental rights in her country of origin, especially access to education .

  1. Nelson Mandela

His story is definitely inspiring, clinging to principles that he did not negotiate, he was even capable of losing his freedom to maintain his convictions.

charismatic leadership

This type of leadership is one of the most subjective because it arises as a result of the qualities that the followers themselves assign to it, which may or may not correspond to reality.

Empathy is the key in this type of leadership, the follower feels identified and firmly believes that their leader understands them and seeks to satisfy their needs in some way .

  1. LeBron James

The outstanding basketball player has shone on and off the courts, becoming a leader who drives crowds, especially for his personality and actions in favor of animals.

  1. John Paul II

Beyond his role as the highest representative of the Catholic Church, John Paul II was a man who reached the hearts of millions through his message of peace and world council. He is undoubtedly one of the best examples of religious leadership in the world.