100 questions to test your boyfriend about you

Want to test your boyfriend in a relaxed way? We have a list of totally inspiring questions. When we enter a relationship, it is common for us to want to know everything about the partner. Some curiosities are naturally quenched by coexistence and conversations, but others arise in a curious impulse about something that has not become a topic of conversation. Establishing this type of dialogue is essential because it increases intimacy between the couple and improves bonds of trust. In addition, by getting to know a person better, it is possible to understand their worldview and their way of thinking – things that are fundamental to a good relationship. If you feel like asking questions of your boyfriend but don’t know how to get started, check out this umCOMO guide with 70 questions to test your boyfriend on you.

You may also be interested in: Interesting questions for boyfriend


  1. Questions to test if your boyfriend knows you – who you are
  2. Questions for the boyfriend about the relationship
  3. Breakup Questions

Questions to test if your boyfriend knows you – who you are

More than your name and what you do, they are ‘boyfriend questions about me’. Asking your boyfriend questions about yourself, your personality, likes and dislikes, dreams and wants is to test whether he knows the essence of who you are. Answering questions like that correctly shows how much your boyfriend can understand you – and, consequently, respect you. These are some questions to know if your boyfriend knows you .

  1. What is my biggest dream?
  2. What is most important to me?
  3. Do I prefer hot or cold seasons? Why?
  4. If I had to leave everything behind and take only 5 things with me, what would I take?
  5. Who is the most special person for me?
  6. What are my real friends?
  7. Do I have any strange obsessions?
  8. What were the best and worst moments of my life?
  9. I believe in destiny?
  10. What was the best thing that ever happened to me?
  11. What is my biggest fear?
  12. What is my biggest regret?
  13. If you could go back in time, would you do something different?
  14. Do I believe in a soul mate?
  15. What’s the most impulsive thing I’ve ever done?
  16. What is my favorite movie?
  17. What is my favorite food?
  18. What is my favorite color?
  19. Have I ever had a ridiculous haircut?
  20. What is the place I like most in the world?
  21. What is the most shameful situation I have ever been in?
  22. Who is the person who knows me most in the world?
  23. What was the worst phase of my life?
  24. What do I spend a lot of money on?
  25. How old was my first kiss?
  26. What was the most courageous thing I have ever done in my life?
  27. What is the background of my cell phone?
  28. What is my favorite emoji?
  29. Who are my best friends?
  30. What cake do I like the most on my birthday?
  31. Am I ? or ??
  32. Do I prefer ? or ??
  33. Do I know how to play an instrument?
  34. What social network do I use?
  35. How many baths do I take per day?
  36. What is my motto?
  37. Am I jealous?
  38. What makes me crazy?
  39. What makes me very sad?
  40. Am I allergic to anything?
  41. Do I have a team at heart?
  42. Do I believe in sympathies and superstitions?
  43. What is my sign, ascendant and moon?
  44. What is my favorite word in the Portuguese language?
  45. Do I cry watching movies?
  46. Have I ever had a surgical procedure?
  47. Who would I like to resurrect?
  48. Do I collect anything?
  49. If I were an animal, which animal would I be?
  50. Where would I like to live?

Questions for the boyfriend about the relationship

The next series of questions concerns your relationship and are questions about whether your boyfriend knows you. Many of these questions for a boyfriend about the relationship are very much related to the beginning of dating and things that only a boyfriend would know how to answer – and are questions that every boyfriend should know how to answer .

  1. How we met?
  2. What was your first impression when you saw me?
  3. When did we stay for the first time?
  4. Where did we stay for the first time?
  5. How long have we been together?
  6. After how long have you known my family?
  7. What was the destination of our first trip together?
  8. What was the first gift you gave me?
  9. What is the reason why we fight the most?
  10. What do I claim most about you?
  11. Who rules the relationship?
  12. One thing you do that I don’t like
  13. Do we have a couple tradition?
  14. If I could describe our relationship in one word, what would you think?
  15. What is the difference between us that I like the most?
  16. What is the similarity between us that I like the most?
  17. In your opinion, what made me fall in love with you?
  18. What do you think we can improve in our relationship?
  19. What would be my ideal date?
  20. When did you realize that you liked me?
  21. Do you think we could keep a relationship at a distance?
  22. Do you remember what I wore on our first date?
  23. Can any special music define our relationship?
  24. What do you like most about my body?
  25. What program do we both most enjoy doing?
  26. What did you really want to ask me, but are you afraid of the answer?
  27. What do you feel is missing from our relationship?
  28. Is there a characteristic in me that I see as a failure, but you love it?
  29. What, in your opinion, makes our relationship unique, different from others?
  30. Who of us changed the most after the courtship began?
  31. How do you describe me to other people?
  32. What mistake of mine would you never forgive?
  33. What was the first film we saw together?
  34. What are your biggest fears about our relationship?
  35. Do you remember the first time we had sex?
  36. What was our worst fight so far?
  37. What has been our happiest moment so far?
  38. Do you see a future for our relationship?
  39. Is our relationship monogamous or polygamous?
  40. What is the music that shakes our structures?

Want more question ideas to test your boyfriend? Feed your creativity with 230 interesting boyfriend questions or 80 questions about me .

Breakup Questions

Okay, can’t you be curious about your boy’s or mine’s last relationship? Touching this subject can bring insecurities and you always need to think that if he is with you it is because he likes you. But, if you can’t stand it and feel open to talking about the topic, there are some questions you can ask to introduce the topic and, who knows, maybe a conversation about the old relationship of the person you are with:

  1. Do you regret the way you have treated someone in the past?
  2. For our relationship to work today, did you have to hurt someone?
  3. If you could change anything in your story, what would it be?
  4. Have you ever lived in an end of relationship cesspool?
  5. What is your trick to overcome romantic disappointments?
  6. Do you believe that everyone who goes through our life leaves something?
  7. When did you discover what love is?
  8. What did you learn from past mistakes that you would not repeat today?
  9. Do you believe in destiny?
  10. Do you consider yourself a person who gets over things quickly?


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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