10 warning signs that you are an overly negative person

People who sigh, complain, whine and think that everything is hopeless, difficult and meaningless are everywhere. We meet them all the time in our everyday lives. They can not be avoided. The worst is the type of people who carry all these depressing qualities in one and the same person. Maybe someone is close to you and constantly trying to drag you down into their dark whirlpools of thought. Or maybe it is you who is plaguing the world with your negative thinking and your destructive habits? Check the list and check it out.

Negative people…

1.… Always worry
Anxiety is like oxygen to negative people. There is always something to worry about – especially if something good happens because then the disaster is just lurking around the corner. This type is also happy to share their concerns. Everywhere. Continuously. Anxiety is like a contagious virus. They do not think that what is happening is happening – whether we are worried about it or not.

2.… Trying to tell you what to do
And the reason is simple – it’s always easier for people to talk about what others should do than to deal with their own problems. The more someone complains about you and tries to talk about how you should be and what you should do, the clearer it is that it is about a person who does not dare to sort out his own life.

3.… Has turned his whining into a defense mechanism
There are studies that show that there is a neurological explanation for why some people are always negative. It is the part of the brain called the amygdala that acts as a kind of “lookout” and is constantly looking for dangers, fears and bad news. The survival instinct is linked to this part of the brain. In ancient times, this was a useful property. Then man had to constantly be prepared for assault and to defend himself. This part also uses most of the brain’s neurons to be able to put all the negative thoughts, experiences and experiences in the memory. Positive people can, however, create a way to “think away” these negative impulses and instead deal with problems that arise without just capitulating and thinking; “It’s unprofitable, it’s run whatever I do.”

ALSO READ: 7 Common Negative Thoughts That Prevent You From Reaching Your Full Potential

4.… Are Closed And Defensive
Negative people are hard to talk to. They do not like to share their thoughts or reveal much about themselves because they are afraid that everything they say can be used against them in some way.

5.… Are pessimists
And the worst thing is that their concern that everything that can go wrong also always goes wrong tends to become self-fulfilling.

6.… Likes to spread bad news
Negative people feel good about gossiping about accidents, failures and mistakes. It makes them feel… well, you could almost say positive. Cut back on all the horrible news you are exposed to in the newspapers and on the TV news. Yes, the world is cruel and horrible, but you do not have to deal with everything.

7. Are easily offended and hypersensitive to criticism
They also usually have the ability to misunderstand praise and compliments and turn it into something negative. They are masterful at interpreting everything that is said and written as a personal attack.

8.… Complaining about everything and all the time
Nothing is ever good enough for negative people. They are convinced that the whole world is against them all the time.

ALSO READ: Can You Buy Happiness? Yes actually. Read more…

9.… Never dare to go outside their comfort zone
Trying new things, meeting new people and breaking old habits and patterns is not for negative people. Leaving one’s old habits just feels uncomfortable, stressful and always leads to failures and boring things.

10.… Love to use the word “but”
Negative people can express themselves positively about things – but still find something to complain about by always adding the word “but”. For example… “This is really an absolutely wonderful beach – but there are always too many people here”.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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