The summer period is approaching and with it our processor is already trembling, since temperature rises mean that without the minimum measures to keep the processor cool in summer , it may have performance problems or even cause sudden crashes. That is why we give you some tips to avoid this problem. Especially if you live in hot places.
A processor today can emit tens of watts of heat or even reach three figures. Where in a country like ours, Spain, where there are areas where temperatures reach around 40º. It is important to have the CPU prepared for the summer period. That is why we have decided to give you a series of simple tips to keep your CPU cool in summer.
All of them do not require advanced technical knowledge about hardware and it is something that anyone can do. Let’s not forget that today the processors of any computer usually have protection mechanisms. These are based on lowering their own speed and voltage to generate less heat and consequently this translates into an obvious loss of performance for our PC.
Tips to keep your processor cool in summer
The first advice we give to all our readers is that if you are going to buy a tower PC, make sure that it includes a heat sink for the processor with a minimum quality . This is one of the reasons why we recommend that you do not purchase any industrial designs that differ from the standard tower types. Many times putting all the components in a single design brings cuts in things like the CPU heat sink. The consequences? A lower capacity to keep the processor cool in summer. In the event that you do not have this problem, it is advisable to change the thermal paste and if possible and your tower has the capacity in terms of space, mount a heatsink with higher quality materials .
The second advice has to do with cleaning the equipment, it is important to keep our tower clean inside . We know that we are very stubborn about it, but we say this from our own experience. In the event that you have pets at home, this advice is worth two, since their hair can reach the box of our PC. By the way, we remind you that it is not recommended to leave the tower on the ground , which is where it has more numbers to catch more dirt. So a good cleaning before summer is what we recommend. Especially fans, where the accumulation of dust slows down the speed of their blades.
What happens if I leave the motherboard outdoors?
As a last point, there are people who fall into the trap of leaving the PC bare. That is, with the motherboard in the open air. The goal is to lower the ambient temperature surrounding the processor. The flaw in this idea is that hot air needs to be pushed away from the processor and cool air is drawn in at the same time. Something that the fan system of our box does or, failing that, the radiator if we bet on liquid cooling. By removing the tower and its fans we lose that capacity. So if you are going to do this, we recommend that you do not disassemble the processor heat sink and if you can add an external fan continuously sending fresh air to the motherboard of the computer and the rest of the components.
In any case, if you do this we recommend doing it only in an aseptic environment . Do not do it if you have the PC in an area of your home where there is usually a lot of dust accumulation. We say this for people who usually have the computer in a workshop or garage because it is necessary for their daily chores. Whether at a professional or amateur level. So in those cases it is important to use a good box.