10 Signs of Bad Sex You’ve Been Trying to Ignore

Sex can be not only a bright emotional experience, but also the most awkward pastime of your life. We tell you how to distinguish the bad from the good and not waste your time.

You feel uncomfortable around your partner

Trust has always been and remains the key to a successful relationship, and sex is no exception. If you don’t feel at least a sense of safety around your partner, your intimacy makes you vulnerable. Even worse is literally enduring the entire process just because you can’t calmly tell your partner what you like and what doesn’t work for you.

You are counting the seconds until the end

At some point, it became boring to follow the process, and for the last 10 minutes you stare at the ceiling, listening to the ticking of the clock. After all, the only thing that worries you is when will all this finally end. No matter how hard your partner tries, it seems that next time it is better to watch TV. If you recognized yourself – our condolences. You can’t call such sex good!

You are talking about abstract topics

Heart-to-heart talks do bring people closer. But not during sex. Lively conversations right during intercourse are terrible for two reasons at once: not only have you given up on the idea of ​​having fun, but you have also made it clear to your partner that you are absolutely indifferent to this activity. At least out of respect, you can ask if your boyfriend went to the store a few minutes later.

Sex causes physical discomfort

Maybe your Casanova has been watching too many hardcore videos or just doesn’t notice you banging your head on the headboard. Or maybe you’re having trouble breathing because he’s leaning on you with all his weight. It’s not about whether you’re being hurt on purpose, but rather that if it’s not what you want, there’s no need to put up with the discomfort. Your partner may not realize you’re in pain, so don’t be embarrassed to tell him.

Your partner is experimenting without your consent

Everyone has their own preferences and secret fantasies, and some of them are bold and unconventional. There is nothing wrong with trying something new with a loved one. But the key point in the issue of sexual experiments is mutual consent. If your partner suddenly starts doing strange things for you without warning and approval, you feel that your personal space is violated, as strange as it may sound in the context of sex.

You fall asleep

The situation may seem completely ridiculous, but only if it has never happened to you. If the day has been hard and arousal has hardly arrived, it is not surprising that you will go to the world of sweet dreams without waiting for an orgasm. Good sex, on the contrary, causes a surge of energy due to the release of endorphins. It is better not to wait until you fall asleep – discuss with your partner what can cheer you up.

ou don’t feel anything

Perhaps your partner considers you the most delicate creature in the world and too fragile, since you catch yourself thinking that you can’t be sure that you are making love right now. His desire to protect you is certainly very romantic, but it’s time to remind the guy that without stimulation, nothing will work. If possible, ask to speed up or be a little rougher, and do not complain about the lack of sensations, otherwise the gentleman may harbor a grudge, even if he does not show it.

You think about anything but sex

The modern pace of life does not promote calm: hundreds of thoughts are constantly spinning in your head: don’t forget to congratulate your relatives, buy a face mask before the promotion ends, call your friend back, wait for the courier. But if you think about all this during sex, believe me, it is not good enough.

You would prefer to take matters into your own hand

No one knows how to satisfy you better than you do. But if you find yourself masturbating more than ever before because sex literally leaves much to be desired, then something is wrong with your partner. While we don’t condemn this practice, it’s sad when it becomes the only way a girl can get pleasure in a relationship.

The partner is selfish

The worst partner in sex is not the one who tries to please you too ineptly, but the one who basically only cares about himself. A man who turns to the wall without waiting for your orgasm will probably be an unbearable egoist in other areas of life – think about whether you should break up with him at the first opportunity.