10 Reasons to Start a Blog

Reasons to Start a Blog ? First of all, let us introduce you. We are in difficult times for work. It is no longer the same as before. Having a career does not differentiate you, nor a Master. Everyone has it. Neither know English. Everybody knows.

Times change and knowledge is globalized. It is no longer so important to be an expert in a subject when you can search anything in wikipedia or in Internet tutorials. Now applied knowledge is valued more, solving problems, having a positive and proactive attitude .

This type of thing is difficult to explain in a traditional curriculum. This is why a blog can help you differentiate yourself and develop a series of very important skills today.

Today we are going to tell you 10 Reasons to Start a Blog that can help you take the step :

  1. A Blog is your best personal brand

A #Blog is your Best #Personal Brand #Marketing #emprender


A blog is your best letter of introduction to the world. You can talk about what you like the most, what you are passionate about, what you know how to do best. They will get to know you, know who you are, what you think, what you have to offer the world. The process is reversed: with a resume, you are looking for who you could hire; With a blog, by contrast, it is who hires the one who will find you.  Of course, on your blog you can add a CV section in which to expressly put a “classic” resume…

  1. Mastering technology and 2.0

Mastering #Technology and #SocialMedia is essential #Marketing #emprender


Mastering the philosophy and conception of 2.0 values ​​is essential in the professional world around us. And even more so if, in addition, you master the entire enormous ecosystem of tools that can be found on the Internet. It is a complex world, very changing and that requires high doses of constant and permanent learning . Demonstrating that you dominate this environment is a very favorable point towards your figure as a professional. You demonstrate productivity and high professional skills.

  1. You will improve your Networking

A #Blog will help you improve your professional and personal #Networking #Marketing #emprender


The creation of strong networks of professional contacts is something totally indispensable , and something that you cannot ignore in any way. Having a complete agenda of contacts will always help you in your professional career. In fact, in many areas of the Internet, hiring for jobs moves only by way of contacts and recommendations. Having a blog will help you improve your networking and consolidate your contact schedule. With a blog you will improve your professional relationships, which will gain in intensity and depth, since a blog is the perfect tool for exchanging opinions and debating ideas. And of course, on a personal level, the blogIt will help you meet incredible people who share your ideas and values . It is amazing to see how thanks to the Internet you can find people, or that they find you, with whom you feel as if they were lifelong friends, almost without knowing anything about you.

  1. Proactivity, Constancy and Productivity

A #Blog will help you to be + # Proactive + # Constant and + # Productive #Marketing #emprender


Starting a blog is a clear example of proactivity . You do not stand waiting for your goals to knock on your door, you go for them directly. You are not a passive consumer of information, but a creator.

Also, to keep it up-to-date, you need to be very methodical and consistent . There are a lot of abandoned blogs on the internet, so being one of those who keep going is a plus point.

If you start your blog as a side project apart from your work, you will have to learn to be productive and take advantage of the time available to advance your blog.

Having a blog up to date, in full swing and in which you publish quality content and articles, involves a huge effort: research, systematization, organization, etc. They are synonyms of work capacity, talent, creativity, leadership and enormous determination. And all these values ​​are highly recommended in every professional.

  1. You will improve your communication skills

A #Blog will help you Improve your communication skills #Marketing #emprender


Thanks to your blog you will see how your communication skills improve , whether in writing (with a text blog) or verbally (with a video blog). You must know how to organize your speech, expose ideas, be able to synthesize them and finally, know how to disseminate and communicate them in an attractive way so that they reach your target audience and your followers. It is, without a doubt, an exercise of mental structuring of the first magnitude, and that will help in many facets of your life, both personal and professional . You should also pay attention to the tone you use, and without forgetting something that we often overlook: the importance of good spelling and grammar. There is no worse text than one that is poorly written. Your readers will notice it, a lot, so take care of this aspect too.

If you are interested in the subject and are thinking of creating your first blog , we have a gift for you  at the end of the article ?

  1. You will be in control of what Google says about you

With a #Blog you will have Control of what #Google says about you #Marketing #emprender


Have you ever googled your name and surname? Do you like what appears? Rest assured that sooner or later they will search for your name on Google. Whether for a job, for a conference or whatever, before calling or sending an email, they will look for you on the internet to see who you are, where you move, what you say, etc … In this situation: what do you would you like them to find? A high quality blog is, without a doubt, the best they could find from you. Make it easy on the Director of Human Resources!

  1. You will learn to know yourself better

A #Blog will help you to Know Yourself Minor #Marketing #emprender


Although at the beginning it is difficult to write, little by little you will realize that the main beneficiary is yourself . It can serve as a personal journal or to organize all your knowledge about what you research and learn. Forcing yourself to shape your thoughts into text is a great exercise in self-knowledge and will help you clarify your ideas and opinions.

Also, trying to write regularly puts your inner world in order and can serve as therapy. Messy ideas, blockages or problems are looked at from another perspective when you take it out and make the effort to organize and shape them through words. A blog can help you avoid and prevent stress .

  1. Generate valuable content for your social networks

With your #Blog you will generate valuable content for your #Social Networks #Marketing #emprender


If you use Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin … surely you often share articles and content from other web pages or blogs. Why not take advantage of it to share your own content? You can connect your blog with almost all the main social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Tumblr, Pinterest, Google Plus …) and make sure that every time you write and publish an article on your blog, it is also automatically published in all social networks. As you can suppose, this fact multiplies the virality of everything we publish, at the same time that it increases the diffusion of our articles and the traffic of visits that we will receive on our blog.

  1. Your Blog can be your livelihood

Your #Blog can be your means of #Life #Marketing #Money #emprender


We have not gone mad. It is more and more normal to see people who make a living on the Internet thanks to their blog and to selling what they know how to do. Of course it is not an easy task or overnight, you have to work hard and very hard for months or years, but the result is worth it. The truth is that, from a certain volume of traffic and visits, you can already start to consider being able to generate extra income : put advertising, sell an ebook, do online courses, sponsored posts … these are just some ideas by which you can reach to have some passive income , and to be able to pay the hosting, the domain and some other things. From this starting point, you can move forward and grow, and you can reachConsolidate a productive business model that allows you to generate much more income from the blog.

  1. Make the leap to traditional media

With a successful #Blog you can make the leap to traditional media #Marketing #emprender


Having a successful and quality blog on the Internet often attracts the attention of traditional media. And is that the traditional media have had a relationship of love and hate with blogs: first, they saw them as competitors. But as they saw their potential and were here to stay, they integrated them into their communication structure. Today, few are the traditional media that do not have a blog section, and they write reputable bloggers who previously had success with their personal blogs. A successful and quality blog can become the gateway to greater recognition of all your work , and be able to appear in the media with a greater circulation.

Well, what did you think of this article? Do you share the reasons that we have explained? Did you find them interesting? Do you have any other reason? We will be happy to share your opinions and experiences on this topic with all of us, and to explain your ideas about this topic in the comments.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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