10 quick and easy ways to get rid of a bad habit

Most of us have one (or more) bad habits that we want to get rid of. But it feels hard to get started and let go of the bad habits. Yes, until now.

Here you will find tips on how to get rid of your bad habits forever. Most of it is about fooling yourself

1. Decide to do it for a month only. It works because you can see so far in the future and have the strength to fight with what you want to get rid of.

2. Replace what you lose with something else. Your habits fill a need and when you suddenly make a change, it feels too hard if you do not fill the empty space with something that is good and useful for you. Write down all the benefits you get from your bad habit today and make sure they are included when you create a new habit.

ALSO READ ABOUT THE BOOK: I want to – I can – I will!

3. Sneak in. Breaking a habit is not as much about having a strong will as it is about patience and strategy. Do not expect that you can change your diet, exercise or whatever it is in one day. Take one part at a time.

4. Make sure you know what you gain from changing habits. What are the benefits and how will you feel when you succeed?

5. Write down what you want to achieve and how to do it. Writing down things you want is very powerful.

ALSO READ: 4 Ways to Break Bad Habits

6. Tell a friend to do this. If you tell others that you are going to make a change, you are more likely to succeed. You feel both support and pressure at once.

7. Make the new habit an experiment. Try the new and see what you like about it.

8. Find a role model. Having a person you admire in the mind when you struggle to change something works well for most people. Find people who live the way you want to live and see how they do.

ALSO READ: 5 habits that make you happy and positive every day

9. Remind yourself of what you are doing all the time. The first enthusiasm is a good driving force and it lasts a few days, but when you relax there is a great risk that you get tired and give up. Put up peppery notes that support you during the first difficult time.

10. If you do not succeed the first time – do not give up. Instead, think of these as actions that you must take on a regular basis. What components are needed to do better next time? Bring them.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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