10 obvious signs that it’s time to cut the ribbon and move on

Knowing when it’s time to move on – leaving a job, a relationship or letting go of old injustices – is one of the most difficult things we face in life. To also take the decisive step and really take concrete action in the matter when, after much pain, we finally decided to take that step is even more demanding and anxious.
As an aid to the stack, you get a handful of things to keep an eye on when it comes to whether you yourself should stay or move on in life:

1. You experience that others expect you to sacrifice your own needs and values ​​and become someone like you really is not
Your core values ​​are what make you who you are. They are the ones that give you integrity and personality. The moment you are forced to abandon those values, you turn into someone who is not you. You’re just a puppet.

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2. You’ve Lost Confidence
Trust is perhaps the second most important building block in human relationships. Without trust, duality never survives. If you are disappointed again and again, feel abandoned and sad, it’s time to break up – even if your partner says he / she should change and promises never to disappoint again. The bitter truth is that most of us are so stuck in our behaviors, that kind of promise is seldom or never fulfilled.

3. You feel bad about your life
It does not matter if it is a relationship, a job or a friendship – if every day feels like a torment, there is really no reason to stay, right?

4. You get inferiority complexes
Likewise if your partner makes you feel pushed aside, insecure and less worthy. Do you feel that you are always taken for granted among friends and colleagues who just expect you to always stand up and pull in, so stop it. Life is too short to feel bad just to satisfy other people.

5. You come up with your own excuses
You invent excuses yourself to avoid confronting your partner or your friends and tell yourself that it was probably just pure oblivion, stress or pure oversight that he / she / they forgot your birthday, did not show up when you had planned or just borrowed money without ever offering to pay it back.

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6. You forgot when you last felt really happy
This is really a food for thought – if you can not even remember when you were really happy last time, it is high time to let go of your current situation / relationship and move on.

7. Are you always the one making sacrifices?
If you are always the one who sets up and sacrifices your own time, your own money and your own existence to satisfy other people’s demands and needs, then stop immediately.

8. You never say what you think and feel
To constantly just keep quiet and bite your tongue to avoid being considered cumbersome, boring and troublesome causes emotions and frustration to gather within you. In the end, you become like a volcano that must erupt emotionally in order not to perish as a human being. But do not wait so long – make your voice heard. Lighten your heart. Let the world know if you feel bad, unfairly treated or overlooked. Do not expect people around you to see and understand such things for themselves. There are no mind readers and most people are so self-absorbed that we have to punch holes in their ego bubbles from time to time to get their attention.

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9. You close your eyes to your existence
You would rather live in what has been to avoid having to deal with all the misery that plagues the present. But reveling in old, bright memories does not mean that your current problems will disappear. Or that everything takes care of itself – it does not. You have to get out of your memory bubble and confront reality.

10. You believe well in everyone

You trick yourself into believing all the promises that “I will fix this” or “next time it will be different”. It rarely or never happens. Nothing gets better from continuing to allow yourself to be naive and gullible. Those who betray, lie and just talk never change.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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