The evolution of smartphones since the inception of the first devices has leaped forward. If the first devices with a touch screen made it possible to simply go online and use several sites, today the device is a real mini-computer with a lot of functions. Users are very happy with such opportunities, but the only problem is that recently innovations remain unclaimed due to their frank uselessness.
Supply creates demand – this is the unshakable law of the market. But recently there have been so many proposals that a reasonable question arises: was there a demand? Today, there are two main rivals in the operating system developer market – Android and iOs. They compete to win the favor of their customers. It so happened: every year rival corporations present new devices. And in order for them to be new, you need to constantly improve technologies, adding previously unused functions.
And if at the beginning of the competition the companies had enough funds in stock to make devices better and more perfect, but today it seems that they have reached the bottom of the technology piggy bank. Presentations from year to year become not so interesting and, as a fact, users receive either slightly modified devices, or under the sauce of innovation, users are offered frankly unnecessary and insignificant functions. Useless functions in Android Smartphone users have several problems, the solution of which could be a worthy step in the development of devices. Here are just a few problems that could be fixed – more capacious batteries, screen reliability and protection from damage, improved signal reception.
Sometimes it seems that the developers and creators of new devices have solutions, since these problems are individual in nature. But no one wants to rush to correct them. Instead, users have received useless features in new mobile devices such as: Gesture control – while on the streets you can’t see a single person waving his hands over his device. Indeed, it will be rather strange to see a person who pulls a smartphone out of his pocket and starts making passes over it, instead of swiping a page or clicking on a notification. Zoom Up – This is about zooming in.
A multiple magnification in a digital camera, whatever one may say, gives a blurry and indistinct photograph, you can take a high-resolution macro photograph only using optics and nothing else, everything else is just advertising stunts of manufacturers. Slow shooting – in fact, it does not slow down smoothly, but it seems as if the photos are flipping. Face unlocking – on flagships it is really high quality, but in inexpensive devices it just takes up extra memory and can create problems with the slightest change or lack of the desired focus.
- Gesture control – while on the streets you can’t see a single person waving his hands over his device. Indeed, it will be rather strange to see a person who pulls a smartphone out of his pocket and starts making passes over it, instead of swiping a page or clicking on a notification.
- Zoom Up – This is about zooming in. A multiple magnification in a digital camera, whatever one may say, gives a blurry and indistinct photograph, you can take a high-resolution macro photograph only using optics and nothing else, everything else is just advertising stunts of manufacturers.
- Slow shooting – in fact, it does not slow down smoothly, but it seems as if the photos are flipping.
- Face unlocking – on flagships it is really high quality, but in inexpensive devices it just takes up extra memory and can create problems with the slightest change or lack of the desired focus.