10 lies that every man tells his wife

As Dr. House says , people lie – and according to my son, lying is part of human DNA. Anyway, it is a fact that you cannot be sincere all the time without bringing serious problems to yourself. It is no different with couples. You lied to your parents to avoid problems when you lie to your spouse for the same reason. So here are 10 lies that every man tells his wife:

  1. “You look beautiful!”

This is classic. And who gets the reason from the husband who lies about it? No woman wants to hear from her husband that she is ugly or fat. And, to avoid problems, and because they want their wives to feel good, they lie. Of course he finds you attractive, maybe you are not in your best shape, but he loves you anyway.

  1. “Fat, you? Of course not.”

If you know you are, why do you ask? You will be forcing him to lie. Furthermore, whatever the answer, he is in a bad situation. If you say no, you accuse him of lying. If you say yes, you will feel bad and so will he. So, don’t ask. Take care without neuras.

  1. “I bought it for half the price!”

Why do men lie about the price of the things they buy? According to Terri Orbuch, author of 5 simple steps to take your wedding from good to great, if what he bought is not so expensive, he is less likely to be disapproved of by you.

  1. “My day was good…”

This lie has two reasons for being. One is that when a man comes home, the last thing he wants is to delve into everyday issues. He wants to disconnect from the day and enter his cave while playing with the TV remote. And if he says something bad, the wife will certainly want to talk about it. The other reason is that he doesn’t want to worry you about the problems he can solve on his own. He wants you to spend time with him and not with his problems.

  1. “I will tell you everything!”

No, it doesn’t count. No man counts. Some things he prefers to keep to himself. Whether inopportune comments made by your friends, be it a problem at work, a minor health problem, or a “dazzling” new co-worker. He just doesn’t want to upset her, put “worms” on her head and not worry.

  1. “I’m going to the supermarket.”

The fridge is full and the pantry stocked. So, why does he need to go to the supermarket? Because he just wants some time alone. He thinks that if he tells his wife that she will feel that he does not like her company or wants to be alone to do something that he would not do in front of her. Don’t worry, he just wants some cave time.

  1. “I don’t care.”

He does care, whatever. He wants to be tough or pretend that what you say or think about him makes no difference or doesn’t affect him. But, all a husband wants most from his wife is admiration and respect. Every man needs to feel admired and respected by the woman of his life.

  1. “No, I wasn’t with them.”

He will say that he was not with those friends with whom the wife implies or thinks they are a bad influence. It is difficult for him to have to choose between seeing you happy and being with the friends he likes. So, he tries to have it both ways and that’s where he lies. He stays with friends and you don’t get upset. Perfect! (In his head).

  1. “I caught traffic…”

When he is late, maybe because he was talking to a colleague, or stopped by the bar or surfed the internet at the office he lies fearing that you will not believe him. There are certainly exceptions, but your husband’s usual behavior will tell you more about him than your “white lies” – which he tells to avoid problems.

  1. “I don’t look at other women, ever!”

It is hard to believe that there are men who say that. All women know that men look – sometimes automatically. Nature has endowed them with eyes, but not with quickness in their eyes. The male vision is more focused and they understand the details better. The problem is the time it takes them to sum up the details and conclude whether the observed woman is attractive or not. About 5 seconds. Women, on the other hand, excel in their ability to quickly look at the entire work in time to see the entire threat and then turn their heads to see her husband still adding the details ..


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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