10 keys to preventing allergy symptoms

The prevalence of allergic diseases has increased greatly during the last forty years and, currently, these problems affect 30% of the Spanish population, according to data from the Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (SEAIC).

However, “the person is not born allergic,” as Dr. Aurora Garre, a medical expert at Laboratorios Cinfa , points out , “but anyone can develop an allergy to a substance, depending on our exposure to an allergen in amounts greater than the usual for a long time or repeatedly. “For example,” he continues, “mites, animal hair and dander, some foods (cow’s milk, eggs, shellfish, nuts …), drugs such as penicillin, contact with nickel or latex and the venom of insects such as bees or wasps are some substances that can usually cause allergies ».

In Spain, the most common allergic disease is pollen allergy, which affects more than eight million people and is caused mainly by pollen from plants, trees and grass. Specifically, grasses, olive, cypress, salsola, shade plantain and parietaria are the species that most frequently cause allergies. And it is in the most populated areas, the cities, where its incidence is increasing the most, due to the greater pollution and the planting of highly allergenic species in urban areas.

Body response to an invasive agent

For most people, plants like the above are harmless, but the body of allergy sufferers considers their pollen an invasive agent. «To protect itself, it releases substances such as histamine, which produce symptoms as classic as sneezing, runny nose, itchy nose and watery eyes, but also diseases that can become serious such as allergic asthma, urticaria or edema of glottis, ”adds Dr. Garre.

Similarly, allergens can also be associated with ailments such as atopic dermatitis, an inflammatory skin disease, the prevalence of which has also experienced a progressive increase in recent decades in Westernized countries

In the event that the symptoms are very strong or bothersome, you should go to an allergist who will prescribe pharmacological treatments or specific vaccines. However, the Cinfa expert insists that the first measure to control symptoms “is to avoid contact with the allergen itself. Putting pollen filters in air conditioners or avoiding laying outside when spring arrives are two examples of simple habits that will help allergy sufferers to increase their quality of life. The fight against allergy begins with prevention, “he concludes.

Decalogue of tips to prevent pollen allergy:

  1. Better, indoors. On days with the highest concentration of pollen and, especially, during days with strong wind, it is recommended that you opt for activities that you can do inside the home.
  2. Forbidden hours. The intervals between five and ten in the morning and seven and ten at night are those that accumulate the highest concentration of pollen. For this reason, reduce outdoor activities during those hours and keep the windows of the house closed.
  3. In the car, also with protection. During car travel, keep the windows closed to prevent pollen grains from entering it.
  4. Air filters help. You can put pollen filters in air conditioners, both at home and in the car. Do not forget to change them frequently so that they do not lose effectiveness.
  5. Get out “with a view” When you go out, it is advisable to wear sunglasses so that pollen cannot get into your eyes.
  6. Clothes, a magnet for pollen. Pollen grains can get caught in clothes, so showering and changing clothes when you get home is a good idea. Likewise, avoid hanging clothes outside, especially when spring arrives.
  7. Don’t remove pollen. That is, avoid activities that can remove pollen particles such as mowing the lawn or sweeping the terrace. In case of allergy to grass pollen, you should not lie on the grass either.
  8. Take precautions in your garden too. If you enjoy a garden, avoid air-pollinated plants. For example, hedges of arizonic plants are not recommended in the garden of someone allergic to pollen.
  9. Don’t let your guard down overnight. If you are going to spend the night outdoors, it is best not to sleep near sources of allergenic pollens.
  10. Consult your pharmacist. If you take specific medications for allergies such as antihistamines, you should always do so under medical supervision, regularly and in the dose recommended by the specialist. Also remember that you should never mix these medications with alcohol. A good prevention may consist of using salt water as a remedy to relieve symptoms or Rhinomer. If you have any questions, ask your pharmacist.


by Abdullah Sam
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