10 keys to guarantee the well-being of your children

The protection of health is one of the main concerns of human beings. To enjoy a healthy life, sometimes it is enough to follow a series of habits that it is important for children to learn from a very young age so that they do not forget them or stop practicing them throughout their lives.

According to Deanna Marie Mason, an expert in childhood health training and prevention, there are a series of guidelines that are essential to make children aware of so that they learn to take care of themselves from an early age:

Hands first. As a first recommendation, and although it may seem very basic, they should do a proper hand washing. It is a small daily gesture that, however, can prevent the development of intestinal infections due to the bacteria that reside on our hands and others with which we maintain contact throughout the day. For this reason, Mason assures that children must learn from an early age that they must clean their hands at least before each meal using soap as much as possible and if they are away from home it is more advisable to dry them with a paper.

For a perfect smile. On the other hand, Mason recommends paying special attention to caring for your teeth. From the birth of the first tooth, it is best to start cleaning the mouth with a brush or cloth adapted to the baby. Making him see the importance of brushing after every meal will make the habit his own and keep it throughout his life. Keeping your teeth clean is not only important for a beautiful smile, but also for better oral health, as plaque can lead to serious infections.

Water as a source of health. Among the most basic tips is also hydration. On many occasions, we worry that children’s food is healthy leaving aside the intake of liquids. It is always more advisable to offer them water, skimmed or semi-skimmed milk and natural fruit juices, trying to forget the most sugary soft drinks or drinks.

We are what we eat. Although it is sometimes difficult for children to be encouraged to eat fruits and vegetables, the truth is that they are key foods in their development. We must pay attention to the daily menu, since this type of food provides nutrients and vitamins that protect the health of the little ones.

In full swing. Finally, to ensure that children obtain the most complete development possible, Deanna Marie Mason recalls the need to practice sports. “To ensure that the little ones grow up in the healthiest way possible, it is estimated that they should carry out a daily physical activity of about 60 minutes. This time does not have to be pure and hard sport, since with playing, for example, the “pilla-pilla” the little ones move achieving a great activity, “he says.

According to this expert, following these basic tips and “explaining to children that their health depends largely on their own habits, we will ensure that as adults they have healthier and more balanced practices.”


by Abdullah Sam
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