10 Interesting Facts About Linguistics jobs

Linguistics jobs covers many others sub fields like sociology, anthropology, urology, forensic psychology, and internal and external communication. As a result it is true that studying linguistics can provide you wide range of jobs and careers. As a student of linguistics you can make your bright future and profitable career.

10 Interesting Facts About Linguistics jobs

Major areas:

  • The computer industry.
  • Education
  • Teaching in higher education
  • Interpretation and translation: 
  • Teaching foreign languages: 
  • English as second language:
  • Work in the field of advertising and PR

 The computer industry:  Degree of linguistics can give you strong chance to work in the field of information technology. This list has been created for linguists who want to enjoy work on computer.

  • Speech recognition and synthesis,
  • Artificial intelligence, natural language processing,
  • Computer technologies in teaching foreign languages.
  • Corpus linguistics research and development.
  • Technical writing
  • Technical computer support.
  • Working in journalism:
  • Participation in projects testing
  • Create vocabularies (lexicography):
  • Working language consultant in law and medicine
  • Job actor and training of actors
  • Specialty Translation


Education is one of the most important careers in the field of linguistics. Linguist can offer educational programs for different segments of the population.

  • Training for teachers.
  • Development of effective methods of determining the level of knowledge
  • Teaching jobs of the language subjects for various social groups.
  • The introduction of the language of small ethnic groups into teaching.
  • Jobs of education research development and teaching
  • Jobs at Solving Real life language problems.

Teaching in higher education:

A linguist can teach students in variety of areas:

  • psychology
  • Communication theory.
  • Future specialists on specific foreign languages.

Interpretation and translation: 

Good interpreters are needed everywhere – in government, hospitals, judicial institutions, commercial organizations, and so on.  This work requires a high level of language skills, so that you may need additional training.

Document languages ​​and other field work related to the language:  Some organizations conducting research, one way or another related to the language: they conduct polls, implement literacy programs, and translate culturally significant texts.

Why Some People Almost Always Make Money With Linguistics jobs

Teaching foreign languages: 

Teaching a foreign language, you will have a strong advantage, as you know, in general, arranged the world’s languages, and easy to explain to his disciples, especially the difficult aspects of the grammar of a particular language. Of course, this requires a good working knowledge of the language and basic knowledge of methods of teaching a foreign language.

English as second language:

There are many jobs available for ESL. Many second language countries like china, Pakistan, India, Spain, France, and Italy are creating jobs for native speaker to teach English.

Working in journalism:

Graduate linguist writing skills make it easy to compose and edit virtually any text. These jobs can be applied.

Working in the newspaper:

  • Content writers.
  • Crime reporter.
  • Headline generator.
  • News anchor

Participation in projects testing: linguists often help create a standardized examination and may conduct research into methods of assessment.

Create vocabularies (lexicography): The creation of high-quality modern dictionaries requires the participation of qualified linguists. Good lexicographer must understand the rules of phonology, morphology, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics and dialectology.

Working language consultant in law and medicine:

Linguistic forensics involves the analysis of the texts of legislation, study the language aspects of search for clues and evidence in court cases, the identification of the human voice, and so on. Various law enforcement and human rights bodies (police, law firms, courts and t. e.) hired linguists to advice on these matters.

Work in the field of advertising and PR:

Advertising companies often conduct linguistic research to determine what people associate certain sounds and combinations of sounds, the wording of which advertising can attract potential customers.

Job actor and training of actors:

Actors usually require practice pronunciation, intonation and mastery of different grammatical subtleties to play well people with speech or dialect foreigners. Moreover, they need to learn to do the “right” errors; it is good to play it non-native speakers.

Specialty Translation:

A linguist can carry out professional activities in the field of language education and intercultural communication. Lingustics Graduates receive a professional skill of translations of artistic, scientific, technical and socio-political texts.

The objects of professional activity of a specialist are: the theory of foreign languages, foreign languages ​​and culture, theory of culture and intercultural communication. Translation and Translation preparing for the following types of professional activity:

  • organizational communication;
  • information and analytical;
  •  Research and Development

by Abdullah Sam
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