10 Habits That Reveal Poverty and Prevent Wealth

As folk wisdom says, poverty is not a vice. And yet it is worth studying the habits that reveal poverty, and at the same time hinder prosperity. Let’s get rid of them and start a new life!

Cluttering the home

This habit takes us back to the days of empty store shelves, when every little thing was kept just in case. Now it is not necessary to buy marathons of successful success in order to finally tidy up your own home. The main thing is not to justify clutter with a rational attitude to things! If you feel sorry to get rid of everything unnecessary at once, try to do a three-stage cleanup. In the first, get rid of what you did not even remember (including small things). In the second stage – from what you have not used for more than a year. In the third – from what you feel sorry to throw away, but do not feel sorry to give away.

Buying counterfeits

It’s no secret that it’s better to buy a quality item without a loud label than to put another fake on display. When buying fakes, you can fool anyone, but not yourself. Wealthy people, of course, often allow themselves expensive purchases, but they rarely treat them as a great achievement. An obvious fake does not paint anyone – think about this before buying a replica of something that costs three of your salaries. A stylish and affordable thing will look much more expensive.

Avoiding public catering

Do you run from cafes and restaurants like the plague and refuse invitations for fear of seeing the bill? We understand that when you are on a budget, dining in premium places is not the best idea. But not all establishments are equally expensive, and the pleasure of an evening in a good restaurant can pay off the money spent many times over. So we advise you not to refuse communication, but to choose a nice place that suits your budget. Friendly and professional connections have never made anyone poorer.

Worn out things

Giving up “fast fashion” is commendable. Nature will thank you. A good quality item can really last for years, but nothing lasts forever. The habit of wearing clothes and shoes until they wear out is an expression of poor people’s thriftiness, but regardless of the amount in your bank account, you are “meet by your clothes.” Perhaps it is your addiction to worn-out things that prevents you from earning more. You need to get rid of obviously damaged, stale clothes in a timely manner, and replacements do not have to be expensive.

Cheap products

In any supermarket you can find not only cheese, but also its analogue – “cheese product”. Love for such miracles of production will at least negatively affect health. Often at a similar price you can buy a full-fledged product on sale. Eating food substitutes is a bad habit.

Requests to call back

If you constantly ask to call back, it seems that you are unable to top up your account and are far below the poverty line. It is better to choose a tariff that suits your needs, for example, with a small Internet package and economical outgoing calls.

Take out loans

Loans allow the economy to develop, even businesses borrow money – again, for development. And this is the key point. Consumer loans for a new phone, TV or vacation are taken by poor people with low financial literacy. The carousel of such loans digs a financial hole, getting out of which with a small income is a long and laborious task.

Spending on payday

When a person throws money around on payday, it is, unfortunately, not a sign of a generous soul, but of desperation. You want to spend freely at least once a month. Sooner or later it becomes clear: spending at the beginning of the month was a mistake, but soon everything repeats itself again. This habit makes the poor even poorer, as it provokes borrowing until payday.

Save but don’t earn

Total savings have never made anyone rich. It is better to focus on opportunities to increase income. To spend wisely, you need to keep a budget – this will make it clear where the profit is spent, and it will be easier to decide what was worth it and what can be safely excluded from spending. Do not forget, life is not only about counting the balance in your wallet, be sure to allocate a budget for rest and entertainment.


When the desire for beauty is embodied in collecting cheap copies of great works, it is immediately clear that this is the psychology of poverty. On the one hand, a person wants to own something special, on the other hand, he owns a dud that does not have even a third of the properties for which the original work is valued. Do you understand that you are carried away by reproductions? Take a closer look at the available originals. Many masterpieces were considered cheap at the time of their creation.