Of course, in relationships with people, especially with the topic of who we like, it is not always easy. It is even more difficult to attract a kind hearted person. But AdMe.ru and the team of psychologists Psych2Go claim that if you look at flirting as a natural strategy for procreation, everything will go differently.
Here are 10 flirting strategies that actually work.
1. Eye-to-eye visual contact
Longer eye contact than usual will tell a lot about mutual attraction. You can talk about 4-5 seconds, but they will convey much more than a fleeting glance.
Having come into contact with a potential partner, you can find physiological evidence of his interest in you – pupil dilation. For the same reason, if you want to make someone understand that you are interested, just look him in the eye.
2. Emphasis on red
Red color carries bright information, be it a ripe strawberry, a road sign or beads. Psychologist Adam Pazda says that natural instincts such as the signal for reproduction in female monkeys are also involved. Together with colleagues from the University of Rochester, he conducted an experiment showing men girls in red and white.
And to many of the participants, the ladies in red seemed more attuned to romantic relationships. For women, the results were similar: men in red shirts and sweaters seemed more confident and attractive to girls.
3. Do not forget about humor
Professor Jeffrey Miller of the University of New Mexico believes that humor is one of the key ways to help you immediately understand how attractive a person is to you. The ability to joke presupposes the ability to think quickly and be creative.
And such skills are extremely necessary for survival both at work and in everyday life. Don’t be surprised if a witty joke will bring you a date faster than other traditional requests will win someone’s heart.
4. Inaccessibility
This is, as they say, a classic of the genre. Studies have shown that when we are not sure how much a person loves us, we really love him more than when he constantly says that he likes us. Of course, everything is individual. And if you are convinced of the reciprocity of your feelings, “game of inaccessibility” recedes into the background.
But there are many men and women whom this strategy turns on. In this case, it is important to remember what you want: to be together or to break up.
5. A woman’s smile
A smile demonstrates to the world not only friendliness and a sense of humor, but also speaks of the qualities of a woman capable of raising worthy children, and is also evidence of good health. Research from the University of British Columbia showed that men find smiling girls much more attractive than proud ones.
According to psychologists, the secret lies partly in subordination to the female maternal impulse.
6. “Gloomy guy”
The stereotype works. In the following study, conducted at the University of British Columbia, it was found that women rate smiling men as less attractive compared to men who are proud, frowning, or have a guilty look.
Therefore, by sometimes acting like a “bad boy”, you can quickly interest your partner, regardless of whether you are such a person or not.
7. Mirror strategy
We came to one of the most subtle and effective methods of flirting – the mirror of actions. People unconsciously copy those who attract them in conversation. That is, it is not just about good communication skills, but also about the fact that you put thoughts and feelings into it.
Mirroring is a sure way to find out if someone is interested in you. And if you notice that the interlocutor is somehow copying your movements, this often means that you are being reciprocated.
8. Voice timbre, words
Delivery and tone of voice have much more to do with flirting than you might think. An experiment at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology showed that men are more attracted to women who change the tone of their voice. Ladies whose voices sounded either higher or deeper caused more romantic interest in men, unlike those who spoke monotonously.
And women liked men who uttered the words “yes”, “good” and “I see” in conversation. They were impressed by the clarity of their intentions and the dominance inherent in nature itself.
9. Basic flirting
Confidence is the key to success. Dr. Monica Moore of Webster University in St. Louis observed real people in bars and shopping malls during her research. It turned out that the success of the opposite sex was not necessarily enjoyed by physically perfect people.
Those who signaled about themselves with the help of the main flirting strategies: confidence, smiles and unbridled charm attracted the most attention.
10. Touch
Just touch! Tactile contact is important. Research by psychologists in a nightclub showed that young women were more likely to agree to dance if a man touched their forearm for 1-2 seconds. According to the results of the survey, such men looked more confident in the eyes of women, and it was easier to understand how much a stranger attracted them by the manner of touch.
Attraction expert Jeremy Nicholson reminds: “When you touch someone, it usually brings them closer to you. And if you’re not close enough to hug when you meet, shake hands first.”