10 Fenugreek beneficial therapeutic properties

Fenugreek: properties, benefits and contraindications of taking fenugreek

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) is an annual herbaceous plant, mainly cultivated in spring and native to the Mediterranean region. It is mainly used for the content of its seeds, rich in mucilaginous substances and in particular albumins.

The benefits of the Greek up for flu and cough

Used since ancient times as a coffee substitute and in popular medicine for its effectiveness in fighting intestinal parasites, it is actually a strong hepatoprotector that promotes lactation , thus favoring the production of breast milk in new mothers. Fenugreek is also a wonderful natural remedy for anemia, a powerful tonic, it is also effective in preventing ulcers.

The nutritional content of fenugreek also includes large amounts of phosphorus, making it ideal as a neuromuscular stimulant, besides trigonelline, an alkaloid present in the seeds is considered able to stimulate the pancreas through a hypoglycemic action.

Soothing of cough , fenugreek is also ideal to recover from the flu and it is advisable to dilute the essence of fenugreek in milk or mint essence or orange to combat the bad smell and taste that fenugreek has.

Fenugreek: external use for ulcer, and swelling

The external use of fenugreek seeds is attributed to the creation of wraps for swellings, obvious bruises and ulcers , it is advisable to grind the seeds and to use only the powder diluted with milk for the application of the wraps.

For inflammations decoction of fenugreek how many grams per day?

  • 0.5-3 grams of powdered fenugreek seeds
  • ¼ liters of water

Soak the powdered seeds in the evening, leaving them to soak overnight. In the morning, boil enough for at least 15 minutes. Take the decoction 2-3 times a day to help the body fight inflammation.

Fenugreek contraindications on the assumption

There are no particular contraindications on the intake of fenugreek, as always the absolute moderation is recommended, but it is not recommended during pregnancy for possible increases in uterine contractility.

by Abdullah Sam
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