10 Examples of Unicellular

Unicellular organisms are all those living organisms that are composed of a single cell, having within the cell that composes all the functions necessary for the development and maintenance of their life, functions such as feeding, reproduction, waste excretion. , etc. These are living beings that, because they consist of a single cell, have a tiny size, their reproduction is by replication by bipartition, so their reproduction is very fast, so they were formerly the most abundant life form on the planet and still At present, unicellular life forms remain the most abundant life forms (in number), on the entire planet, inhabiting both aquatic and terrestrial habitats, as well as in the air,

Among these organisms made up of a single cell, we can count bacteria, protozoa and fungi , which are found almost anywhere on the planet and even within our own organism.

Although many of these can be pathogens or parasites such as amoeba or bacilli and streptococci among many others, unicellular organisms can also be beneficial for humans, such as the penicillin fungus or yeasts that we usually use to make bread and beer.

10 examples of single-celled organisms:

  1. Bacteria
    2. Bacilli
    3. Staphylococci
    4. Protobacteria or vibrios
    5. Archea
    6. Fungi
    7. Algae
    8. Paramecia
    9. Amoebae
    10. Streptococci

41 examples of single-celled bacteria:

  1. Acetobacter aurantius
    2. Acinetobacter baumannii
    3. Actinomyces israelii
    4. Agrobacterium radiobacter
    5. Agrobacterium tumefaciensAzotobacter vinelandii
    6. Anaplasma
    7. Bacillus anthracis
    8. Bacillus brevis
    9. Bacillus cereus
    10. Bacillus fusiformis
    11. Bacillus licheniformis
    12 Bacillus megaterium
    13. Bacillus mycoides
    14. Bacillus stearothermophilus
    15. Bacillus subtilis

Enterococcus avium 16.
17. Enterococcus durans
18. Enterococcus faecalis
19. Enterococcus faecium
20. Enterococcus galllinarum
21. Enterococcus maloratus
22. mioms stayyereyofhia
23. Streptococcus agalactiae
24. Streptococcus avium
25. Streptococcus bovis
26 Streptococcus cricetus
27. Streptococcus faceium
28. Streptococcus faecalis
29. Streptococcus ferus
30. Streptococcus gallinarum
31. Streptococcus lactis
32. Streptococcus mitior
33. Streptococcus mitis
34. Streptococcus oralis
35. Streptococcus pneumoniae
36. Streptococcus pyogenes
37 Streptococcus rattus
38. Streptococcus salivarius
39. Streptococcus sanguis
40. Smreptococcus mutans
41. Streptococcus sobrinus

26 examples of unicellular protozoan organisms:

  1. Apostomatia
    2. Astomatia
    3. Chonotrichia
    4. Choreotrichia
    5. Colpodea
    6. Haptoria
    7. Heterotrichea
    8. Hymenostomatia
    9. Hypotrichia
    10. Karyorelictea
    11. Litostomatea
    12. Nassophorea
    13. Oligohymenophorea
    14. Oligotrichia
    15. Peniculia
    16. Peritrichia
    17. Phyllopharyngea
    18. Phyllopharyngia
    19. Plagiopylea
    20. Prostomatea
    21. Rhynchodia
    22. Scuticociliatia
    23. Spirotrichea
    24. Stichotrichia
    25. Suctoria
    26. Trichostomatia

5 examples of single-celled algae:

  1. Chrysophytes
    2. Noctiluca
    3. Dinoflagellates
    4. Euglenophytes
    5. Diatoms.

5 examples of single-celled fungi:

  1. Cladosporium
    2. Penicillium
    3. Alternaria
    4. Aspergillus
    5. Mucor


by Abdullah Sam
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