10 Examples of Conflict Conciliation

Conflict conciliation is a system through which the parties involved in a situation decide to settle their differences with the help of a neutral third party, who serves as a mediator. 

Therefore, the last person does not take sides towards any argument, but becomes the impartial balance that through objectivity will help find a fair solution.

This is a term that is used a lot in law, because before reaching higher levels it is prudent to try to resolve conflicts in a more practical and quick way. Despite this, a conciliator must be qualified, since in this way results are guaranteed.

The term to reconcile comes from the Latin “conciliare”, which is related to adjusting the spirits of those who confront or oppose each other. Here are some examples of conciliation of conflicts to understand its essence.

Examples of conciliation of conflicts in legal issues

1. Payment of debts

If there is an outstanding economic debt, which over time has not been able to be settled, help should be sought to resolve it through this system of mediation and assistance.

In this case, the conciliator would talk with the parties to agree on a payment plan that adapts to the creditor’s needs and that adjusts to the debtor’s reality. This after taking into consideration the circumstances, the time of absence and the conditions of the deal that was made.

2. Restitution of assets

When an owner rents his property, he expects that after the term of the contract or after the agreement to terminate it, the property will be delivered effectively and completely. But this does not happen in all cases without generating conflictive situations .

When there is a person who refuses to leave someone else’s property, there could be a request for the intervention of qualified personnel to help reconcile.

In many cases, the result is to give a period of time for the person to leave the site and agree to return access to the owner.

3. Determination of alimony

Separated parents with children must continue to communicate and cooperate for the well-being of the children. But the non-collaboration of one of the parents tends to translate into problems.

Setting a regular amount for children’s food can trigger a disagreement that could be resolved with the assistance of professionals in this area. In this scenario, the income is analyzed and a quota is set, which is monitored.

4. Division of hereditary assets

Although there are wills, which are deeds of the deceased about the destination of their material goods, not all individuals leave them and this can result in a dispute between the descendants.

By then, qualified personnel must intervene to make an appraisal and consider the methods to distribute what corresponds to who should do it.

5. Custody and time with minors

Minors with separate guardians should spend time with both parents to share with them. But there are times when those who spend more time with them do not see it in the same way or do not take it as a commitment.

The response to this situation must be the search for solutions with the help of an outsider who is a guarantor of justice in the decision. Normally, the conditions of each case are analyzed, to try to be an example of decision-making based on child welfare.

Examples of reconciliation of conflicts in everyday life

6. Group tasks

Team activities become stormy if those involved do not reach agreements, but in this case there is also a way out.

If it is a school task, teachers tend to serve as conciliators and set the guidelines so that things are done correctly, without incurring in unbalanced efforts or disproportionate benefits.

7. Couple situations

Despite the fact that they say that couple problems are for two, sometimes it is necessary for a third party to intervene if things do not have a prompt solution.

A therapist, psychologist or family counselor can help mediate these conflicting situations which, although normal, cannot exceed certain limits.

8. Mother-Son / Father – Son

Coexistence is not always easy and less in times of adolescence. Sometimes some parents do not understand each other with their children and look to the couple as a conciliator on the issue in question.

It is necessary to know how to speak, listen, recognize and assume to preserve family relationships, and professionals can also guide you along this path, if necessary.

9. Neighborhood disagreements

These can reach legal instances, but first it is worth having a qualified person to bring an impartial perspective to the situation and guide the parties on a proportionate response.

10. Distribution of tasks

Household chores are divided according to the equipment that is available. In order to solve the problems that derive from it, sometimes an additional person must intervene who, with assertiveness, sheds light on how to fix the situation and seek the agreement of all.