10 easy ways to clean gold jewelry by yourself

How to clean gold jewelry Expensive beauty items that women often wear to decorate their bodies. The longer the day, the higher its value. And would not allow dust and dirt mites to gather together, causing the gold to dull I saw that we had to use our goldware and scrub it until it was very beautiful.

Expensive jewelery that has been worn by people for thousands of years. Probably inevitably the most spectacular gold Which has a high price over time And the idea of ​​wearing gold jewelry has changed a lot. From being used to make a large piece of jewelry stamped with a rich logo Now it is converted to a gold necklace, a small gold ring, cute and cute to wear every day. Plus, it also matches with every outfit that is separate.

And because young ladies nowadays often wear gold chains It is believed that both sweat and cream and pollution of dust mites may cause the chain to tarnish. But when going to wash the gold at the store, I don’t know how much it will cost. Today, the jar dot com has A simple way to clean gold jewelry , come to leave the ladies saying that you don’t have to ask anyone to clean them anymore Because you can wipe and clean the gold yourself in 10 ways …

  1. Your gold is very dull and dirty. Soda can help

    if your gold is very dirty or dull. You can use soda to leach gold. By before scrubbing on gold jewelry To soak the gold in baking soda clean and leave it for 15 minutes before it is scrubbed. Now the gold will be glowing as new.

    2. Use a soft toothbrush.

    If you want to polish your gold jewelry with a toothbrush. I would like to choose a toothbrush that has soft bristles better. By carefully reading the label on the front of the product Whether this brush is soft or not Or if you have an unused eyebrow brush Can be used to polish gold jewelry as well By scrubbing it gently in a circular motion until the gold is clean and bright again.

  2. Use ammonia

    Many people may be familiar with the name of ammonia for inhalation while fainting. But still do not know that it can be used to clean gold as well By mixing 1 part ammonia with 6 parts water, then soaking the jewelry in the mixed water for 1 minute, then bring it up to blow dry. But do not use ammonia to clean gold every time. Because it will make the gold dull.

    4. Do not soak jewels in water.

    If any piece of jewelry has jewelry The cleaning method should be avoided by soaking it. By switching to a soft towel dipped in soap and water. Then gently wipe the jewelry gently, then use warm water to wash and clean again.

    5. Use toothpaste to scrub gold.

    Squeeze a little toothpaste onto the toothbrush. Then it is gently rubbed on the gold jewelry. Finished, rinse with warm water Just at this point, the gold will become clean and shiny as before.

  3. Clean with boiling water.

    If your gold jewelry is stained with wax or some kind of oil. You can clean the jewelry by soaking it in boiling water to remove the dirt. Once removed, use water mixed with soap or water mixed with ammonia to clean again.

    7. Use baking soda to wash gold.

    Mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda powder with about 1 tablespoon of warm water. To combine until it thickens well. If it is not thick enough, you can add a little more warm water. Then rubbed onto our gold jewelry Then bring a soft toothbrush to help scrub Let it sit and wait another 2 minutes, then wash the baking soda with clean water. Just like this, the gold jewelry will come back as beautiful as new.

    8. Wash the gold chain with lemon.

    Squeeze the lemon juice into the cup enough to cover our gold jewelry. Then put the goldware soaked in a cup of lemon juice for about 1 night and then rinse with clean water. Wipe it dry and sprinkle it with baby powder on the goldware. I certify that it will definitely be beautiful, clean, shiny.

  4. Use dish detergent to wash gold.

    Because the gold jewelry that we wear must be sweaty Both cream and skin stains Which are all the fat that dulls the gold Therefore, the best way to get rid of greasy stains. Seems to be dishwashing liquid, this is ideal by mixing dishwashing liquid with water. Use a soft sponge to help polish the gold so as not to scratch the jewelry. Then rinse with clean water and wipe dry. Just this has returned a beautiful, bright golden color.

    10. Use tamarind juice.

    This method of cleaning gold is easy to do without any hassle. Just bring tamarind mixed with warm water. Squeeze until the tamarind juice comes out. Then the gold jewelry is soaked in tamarind water for about 5 minutes and then scrubbed with a towel again. Just as this will have a beautiful gold jewelry that has been restored.

    Whenever the dull and dull gold jewelry is already holding onto it, ask the girls to choose these cleaning methods to do by themselves. Both save time and save several baht as well.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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