10 Benefits Of Black Seed For Health

There are many benefits of Black Seed. This herbal medicine can treat asthma to help fertility for married couples. Want to know what else are the benefits? Check this article!

Black Seed or also known as black cumin is a seed derived from the flower Nigella sativa.

Typically, black cumin is often used as a natural seasoning and preservative for Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine.

This spice has a distinctive taste and aroma that is bitter and spicy which resembles a combination of shallots, black pepper and aregano.

Black cumin itself is one of the plants that is often processed into herbal medicines.

This herbal plant is also known as the treatment of the prophets.

The first person to examine Black Seed was a medical philosopher, Ibn Sina.

He wrote the results of his research in a book called Canon of Medicine .

According to him, there are many benefits from herbal medicine from the Middle East.

Want to know what are the benefits of Black Seed for health?

Check out the following review!

10 Benefits of Black Seed for Health

  1. Help Lose Weight

If you are on a diet program, try to consume Black Seed.

Research published by PubMed Central in 2018 shows consumption of Black Seed can help you lose weight without side effects.

The study also said that this herbal remedy is good for people with obesity.

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  1. Can Treat Asthma

Reporting from WebMD , research shows that taking Black Seed together with asthma medications can accelerate the healing process.

In addition, accompanying symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath and chest pain will soon subside.

However, there are records in taking this herbal medicine.

Do not consume it with salbutamol and theophylline so that the properties do not decrease.

Buy Black Seed products at Shopee and Zalora

  1. Cure Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is classified as an autoimmune disease.

This condition occurs because the body’s immune system attacks healthy cells because it is considered a pathogen.

Black Seed therapy can help this problem, the way to routinely consume this herbal medicine three times a day.

Research from ScienceDirect says, Black Seed can reduce glucose levels and increase insulin concentration in the body.

That way, the patient will gradually improve.

  1. Benefits of Black Seedto Help Prevent Cancer

Medical News Today says that the content of thymoquinone and anti-carcinogenic in Black Seed can kill active cancer cells.

So far, these properties have proven effective for brain cancer, leukemia, tumors, melanoma, and breast cancer.

However, patients must continue to undergo the treatment recommended by the doctor.

Black Seed can be used as an additional method.

  1. Efficacy of Black Seedto Maintain Sperm Cell Health

Healthy sperm cells can increase the chances of a greater pregnancy.

Men often have sperm disorders such as sperm deformities or very low numbers.

To overcome this, consuming Black Seed is very important to maintain the quality of the system.

A study from the University of Malaysia in 2014 reported that the black cumin oil content can restore sperm quality to normal.

In addition, consuming habbatssauda can also help improve the structure of testicular tissue.

  1. Benefits of Black SeedHelp Smooth Menstruation

Menstrual blood that is jet black can be an indication there is a problem in the uterus.

Usually, this also relates to menstrual cycles that are not smooth.

Blood clots can also be a cause of endometriosis which will make it difficult for women to get pregnant.

Consuming Black Seed regularly can help overcome this problem.

  1. Benefits of Black Seedto Reduce Cholesterol

Black Seed oil contains fatty acids such as linoleate and oleic acid.

Both are proven to reduce levels of bad cholesterol found in blood vessels.

In addition, Black Seed also contains lipoprotein levels known as good cholesterol.

  1. Strengthens the Muscles of the Reproductive System

Black Seed becomes one of the ingredients that is very important to improve muscle work in the male reproductive system.

This is caused by the potassium content in it which is believed to increase muscle work.

Potassium can be a mineral that will build the reproductive system in men.

The impact will be very good for blood circulation to the penis and testes.

  1. Benefits of Habbatusaudafor Maintaining the Hormone System

The content of magnesium in Black Seed is very important to keep male hormones in balance.

Magnesium will also support stamina, so that it can have good reproductive hormone levels.

Reproductive hormone levels themselves become one of the things that affect the success of a pregnancy program.

  1. Maintaining the Quality of Eggs

Many women who despite having menstruation every month, but do not have enough mature eggs with good quality.

The condition of the egg like that makes it difficult to be fertilized by sperm cells.

The content of antioxidants contained in Black Seed is important to maintain the quality of the egg remains good and not disturbed.

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How to consume Black Seed

Consuming herbs or herbal medicines such as Black Seed as an alternative complement to chemical drugs (prescription or non-prescription) is actually okay.

For information, herbal medicine in the form of decoction is relatively safer to consume because toxic substances that may be contained have undergone chemical structure changes.

However, the thing to remember is that you should not consume them carelessly.

Because, each person’s reaction to drugs can be different from one another.

So, herbal medicines like Black Seed should only be consumed for

  • maintain health,
  • recovery of disease, or
  • reduce the risk of disease.

In other words, the function of this herbal medicine is not to cure.


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by Abdullah Sam
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