Why Do We Laugh;What Is The Psychology Behind The Laughter?

Why Do We Laugh?.Psychological science has devoted a lot of time and effort to studying the pathological and negative aspects of the human being.The sense of humor is  a mechanism of our character to deal with the difficulties with a healthier attitude.Laughter is visible and contagious!


What benefits does laughter have?

1. Reduces the presence of cholesterol in the blood, as it is an aerobic exercise.
2. It promotes digestion, as it increases contractions of abdominal muscles.
3. It helps to appease the anger.
4. It makes possible a mental attitude that reduces the chance of illness, as it increases heart rate and pulse and because when we laugh we release endorphin (the hormones of happiness).
5. Reduces glucose in the blood.
6. It frees us from negative emotions such as fear and anxiety.
7. Enhance social relations.

Why Do We Laugh; Psychology Behind The Laughter

Kids laugh continuously . It’s a measure of the pleasure they experience, their happiness and fun. It is a social signal addressed to others. It’s the opposite of crying. A crying baby is telling you, “Please, stop doing this.” A smiling baby says, “Please, keep on!” Laughter is an invitation to play: a way to put the interaction on a non-threatening, pleasing, fun and enjoyable plan.

Laughter and life are two of the commonest, simplest things, but they are not so easily explained. Indeed, it is often the commonplace affair that baffles theory, so that one finds it hard to tell just how a cat purrs.In its purest form laughter is life, the artless glee of children whose powers are coming into being. The more life, the more laughter. Laughter means strength, hence one speaks of the “laughing lion.” But there are forms of laughter that are not so pleasant to those who hear the merriment.

Laughter in die form of the ludicrous arises as one perceives some defect in another; a drunken man, a deaf person, a stammerer seem funny when in reality each is a pathetic example of human life. As the slang expression puts it, “the laugh is on them.” Laughter is both self-consciousness and the feeling of superiority. He who is able to raise himself above his fellows laughs at those beneath him. We live in a laughing world, but the tendency to equalize men has worked to reduce the amount of laughter. Some new source of laughter must be found.

We laugh at the funny picture because it represents the subject of the sketch as being in a position inferior to our own. He is about to step into some kind of a pit-fall, or his misdeeds have found him; so we say, “Ha! Ha!”

The better laughter, the kind of merriment that is democratic arises when we observe how all men fall short of the mark, how all life is still below the plane of the ideal. It is such laughter that Shakespeare and Ibsen produce. They do not laugh at men but at Man.

Real humor binds men together; all behave as though they were at a picnic. Wit often divides men; satire tends to degrade certain people at the expense of others. There is satirical laughter which advises man that he has not reached his goal; then there is human humor which makes him feel that all are in the same boat.

Be careful of your laughter. Don’t let the laugh be “on you.” If you cannot laugh broadly, do not laugh at all.

Laughter is a complex human behavior with various triggers and functions. Here’s a tabular guide to understand “Why We Laugh”:

Type of Laughter Trigger Function
Joyful Laughter Humor, Joy, Amusement Expressing happiness, amusement
Social Laughter Social interactions Bonding, Easing tension
Nervous Laughter Anxiety, Discomfort Relieving stress, Disguising discomfort
Contagious Laughter Hearing others laugh Social bonding, Mimicry
Reflexive Laughter Tickling Involuntary response
Sarcastic Laughter Irony, Sarcasm Expressing disdain or skepticism
Fake Laughter Social obligation Appeasing, Politeness
  • Joyful Laughter: Genuine, spontaneous, triggered by something funny or joyful.
  • Social Laughter: More about relationships than humor; it occurs during interactions to strengthen social bonds or defuse tension.
  • Nervous Laughter: A coping mechanism during awkward or stressful situations.
  • Contagious Laughter: Triggered by hearing others laugh, reinforcing group cohesion.
  • Reflexive Laughter: Automatic response to physical stimuli like tickling.
  • Sarcastic Laughter: Used to convey sarcasm or irony, often indicating the opposite of happiness.
  • Fake Laughter: Used in social situations to conform to expectations or as a polite response.

Laughter serves various purposes, from expressing joy to managing social interactions and relieving stress. It’s a multifaceted tool in human communication and emotional expression.

by Abdullah Sam
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