Great Essay About Proverb Well Begun Is Half Done

Well begun is half done is a great proverb by Aristotle. In this article great explanation and essay about this subject is being discussed with examples. Every work has a beginning, middle and end. It is only when we have done these three parts that we may be said to have completed our work. Word remains half-finished or half-done when either the second or the third part remains undone.

Now it is a common experience of life that the most difficult thing is to begin a work. Once begun it is somehow pushed to the end, it may not be in a satisfactory manner. The difficulty arises out of two things.

Our energy at the time of beginning an action remains more or less dormant and il is gradually awakened with action. Secondly, this dormant energy is not always capable of fighting with those obstacles which stand in the way of taking up a work.

Well Begun Is Half Done And Love Have 4 Things In Common.

Well Begun Is Half Done

But no such ‘difficulty is felt if a working plan is framed in the mind before hand and the necessary energy is called up in time. Where there is a forethought, where there is a plan and the necessary marshalling of energy a work is said to be well begun.

Many men are ruined for want of these things. We often hear of lives of many beginnings but few ends. This happens because there has been no forethought, no calculation, no plan at the time of beginning a work and consequently no marshalling of energy.

The truth of the statement is illustrated in many spheres of life. The first charge in a war often decides the issue, the proper beginning in childhood determines the career of a grown-up man.

As the beginning plays such an important part, it has been said that a work well begun is as good as done. Physical and mental faculties must be properly harnessed and pros and cons properly calculated, before we should begin a work. Then and then we may count on a smooth ending.

Well begun is half done” is a proverb suggesting that a good start to a task or project is a significant step towards its successful completion. To apply this in a practical, tabular format, you might consider breaking down a project or task into various stages.

 Proverb Well Begun Is Half Done

Here’s a guide to help you create such a table:

  1. Define the Task/Project: Clearly outline what the task or project is about.
  2. Initial Steps: List the steps required to start the project effectively. This might include research, gathering resources, planning, or setting goals.
  3. Progress Markers: Identify key milestones or indicators of progress. This helps in tracking the progress and maintaining momentum.
  4. Resources Needed: Detail the resources (like time, money, personnel) required for each stage.
  5. Potential Challenges: Anticipate possible obstacles or challenges and how they might be addressed.
  6. Completion Criteria: Define what it means to successfully complete the task or project.

Here’s an example in a tabular format:

Stage Description Resources Needed Progress Markers Potential Challenges Completion Criteria
Define Task Outline the scope and objectives Time for planning Clear project objectives Scope creep Well-defined project scope
Initial Steps Research, resource gathering, initial planning Research materials, team members Research completed, resources ready Delays in gathering resources All resources and plans in place
Mid-Project Implementation of plans, ongoing work Personnel, financial resources Milestones reached Resource shortages, delays Key milestones achieved
Final Stage Finalizing and reviewing the project Time for review, feedback mechanisms Project completion Quality issues, missed deadlines Successful project delivery according to defined criteria

This format helps in organizing and effectively managing a task or project from start to finish, embodying the principle that a strong start sets the foundation for success.


As we embark on our journey towards success, let us remember the timeless wisdom of “Well begun is half done.” By starting a task with clarity, preparation, and a positive mindset, we pave the way for success. Let us set clear goals, plan and prepare diligently, establish a routine, and stay motivated.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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